Painkillers during pregnancy

Every person is familiar with the pain. In different situations, pain comes to him in one form or another, and he uses the methods known to him to deal with it, including taking various medications. Another thing is when the pain occurs in a pregnant woman and catches her unaware, because the expectant mother does not know what pain medications can be used during pregnancy and which are not. And often, in order not to harm her baby, a woman prefers to endure pain, even very strong.

There are several groups of analgesics, otherwise called analgesics ("an" - absence, against, "algetic" - painful). Most often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, which not only relieve pain, but also lower the temperature and have an anti-inflammatory effect. All known paracetamol is an authorized anesthetic during pregnancy. Paracetamol can be used to relieve headaches, with colds, fever. Although it penetrates the placenta, it has no harmful effect on the fetus. Therefore, according to WHO experts, paracetamol is the safest analgesic that can be taken during pregnancy. You just need to remember that if a pregnant woman has liver disease, then it can not take paracetamol.

What other pain medications can I take while I'm pregnant?

Quite popular is ketorolac. But pregnant women should remember that as an anesthetic during pregnancy it is contraindicated. In exceptional cases and in small doses, you can use analgin, without forgetting the fact that prolonged intake of analgin can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Nurofen is effective enough. With accurate compliance with its dosage, this drug can be used, but not in the third trimester of pregnancy, because in this period, nurofen can cause a decrease in the number of amniotic fluid.

With pain caused by spasms and muscular tension, antispasmodics are effective. Which of them can be used in pregnancy as an anesthetic? These are safe and time-tested no-shpa and papaverine. But-shpa is stronger than papaverine, which is injected intramuscularly or used as a candle in the rectum. But-sleep, used in pregnancy, stands out among other painkillers in that, as in tablets, it can be used as an "ambulance", providing an antispasmodic and analgesic effect quickly enough. If the reception of antispasmodics was not effective, then in the third trimester the use of spasmalgon and baralgina is permissible.

Toothache during pregnancy

Many women who have given birth know from their own experience how much their teeth may suffer when carrying a child, because calcium is washed out of the teeth, which is included in their structure. Therefore, during pregnancy, tooth pain is far from a rare occurrence. And the danger is not so much the pain itself, but the infection that arises in the diseased tooth. You can not tolerate this pain, much less indiscriminately, using different means without consulting a doctor. So, for example, rinsing the mouth with sage broth or using the essential oil of this plant can really stop the toothache. And a pregnant woman can cause a miscarriage. It is better to immediately consult a dentist who will treat and relieve you of toothache, using only those painkillers that are allowed during pregnancy. And a visit to the dentist is necessary regularly, because the earlier treatment of a diseased tooth has begun, the less the probability of pain in it.

Use of anesthetic ointments during pregnancy

The choice of anesthetic ointments for topical use is now very wide. However, not all ointments can be used during pregnancy. Thus, ointments containing snake and bee venom, dimexide and other active substances are contraindicated. Even popular Vietnamese balsam "Star" may not be as harmless as it seems at first glance. Therefore, a pregnant woman with a pain of any localization is best to consult a doctor.