Cervix in pregnancy

The cervix is ​​a muscle ring located at the end of the uterus and connecting it to the vagina. Through the opening of the cervix, menstrual blood is excreted from the body, and sperm pass through it to fertilize the egg. With the onset of pregnancy, a woman needs to undergo a gynecological examination, on which special attention is usually paid to the cervix.

The cervix during pregnancy varies greatly. First, the color of the cervix becomes cyanotic, and her glands widen. Gradually, the cervix softens and "ripens", preparing the body for women to give birth. Before birth, its length decreases to 15-10 millimeters.

According to the disclosure of the cervix during pregnancy, doctors determine the approach of births, which is evidenced by the expansion of the internal throat and the beginning of contractions.

What do they pay attention to during the examination?

On examination, the gynecologist determines the consistency of the cervix, its location and the permeability of the canal. The most important is the determination of the size of the cervix in pregnancy.

These indicators are scored in points:

If the pregnancy is normal, the first examination of the cervix during pregnancy should be tight, slightly deflected back. In this case, the cervical canal should be impassable for the finger. The shortened and softened cervix of the uterus, on the contrary, indicates a threat of miscarriage.

The size of the cervix in pregnancy

One of the most important parameters that is monitored throughout the gestation period is the size of the cervix, or rather, its length. In many respects from this indicator depends the possibility of successful bearing of the fetus. The length of the cervix is ​​periodically measured periodically on ultrasound of the cervix during pregnancy. With certain values, there is a greater threat of miscarriage, so it is important to diagnose them in time and take action.

The cervix in pregnancy is dense and inelastic, and the muscle ring protects it from premature opening. Between 12 and 40 weeks, the length of the cervix should normally be between 35 and 45 millimeters.

Usually the cervix is ​​shortened only to 38 weeks of pregnancy. If this happens earlier, it can cause premature birth. If the ultrasound shows a shortening of the cervix to 30 millimeters or less, the woman needs special observation. At a length of 20 millimeters, an ischemic-cervical insufficiency is diagnosed and there is a need for surgical correction.

Even the risk of premature birth can speak the diameter of the cervical uterus during pregnancy. Even at a length of more than 20 millimeters, a diameter exceeding 6 millimeters indicates a beginning of the disclosure, which also requires surgical measures.

Methods for determining pregnancy by the cervix

The appearance of the cervix can confirm or deny the probability of pregnancy. Changes in the cervix during pregnancy are manifested as follows: