Boots 2016

Each representative of the fair sex dreams of stylish and quality shoes. And with the advent of the new fashion season, there is an acute desire to buy a brand-new pair of stylish boots or shoes, is not it? However, before you go to the long-awaited shopping you need to figure out which shoes are relevant in 2016. Many stylists with full confidence assert that there is no unequivocal answer to this question, therefore as in the coming year every woman of fashion is free in her choice, but some important components should be taken into account nevertheless.

Boots of 2016 - fashion trends

Boots - this is the detail of the women's wardrobe, which takes a worthy place in the life of the beautiful half of humanity. They are able to add the image of a special charm, elegance and sophistication. With the help of the original and trendy model, you can bring a zest to any bow, which will surely cause the men's hearts to beat in a rapid rhythm.

What boots are fashionable in 2016?

The stylish boots of 2016 are also presented in the form of time-tested models on a stable heel. In addition, it is necessary to disassemble in more detail the main fashion shoe trends:

Trend number 1. An unusual heel . Especially fashion designers decided to draw in 2016 on an unusual heel. Sometimes on the catwalks you could see really very original variations of it. If you buy boots with a heel in the form of broken geometry and unique design, then you will not lose money and will be in the trend. Fashion for women's boots in 2016 also represents an exceptional novelty in the form of a bent and transparent heel made of durable plastic. Such shoes will obviously give you weightlessness and elegance.

Trend number 2. A sharp nose . The second popular and undeniable fashion trend of the coming year is a sharp sock. In order to be in the trend in 2016, it is enough to buy at least one fashionable women's boots of this design.

Trend number 3. Bright colors . Leading positions on the fashionable Olympus in 2016 are occupied by boots and simply high boots of bright and in some ways even aggressive design. Fashion designers urge girls not to be afraid of leather straps, rivets and combinations of different textures. These boots can be safely worn with flared skirts and dresses.