Love and relationships

Love and the relationship between lovers have their own stages of development, characterized by certain characteristics.

Stages of love relationships

  1. Attraction . The first stage of the relationship is purely biological. But nature has taken care of the human instinct to be painted with bright tones, therefore this period is the most beautiful and cloudless. This is a stage of bright courtship and admiration for each other. Partners try to seem better, make each other as much as possible, they think that they have the perfect mutual understanding. At this stage, lovers tend to idealize each other and the relationship itself, believing that they have found the love of all life. But over time comes the second period
  2. Satiety . It's high time that bright emotions and impressions pass, hormones normalize, and partners gradually cease to carefully decorate their character. As a result, both begin to notice that he is throwing his socks around the apartment, and he does not prepare masterfully. And yesterday's Deities are gradually slipping from the pedestals.
  3. The most crucial moment in relations is a stage of disgust . At this time, all the shortcomings of the second half are sharply outweighed, seem global and unacceptable. In a love relationship, men and women are in crisis. Discontent and irritation accrue and turn into quarrels and scandals. Often it is at this stage that the breakup of love relationships follows. Unfortunately, the third stage does not all come soon, and many couples already have time to marry and conceive children by this time. The simplest thing at the moment is to refer to the nasty character of a partner or to the fact that love has passed and gone to new horizons that give the initial euphoria. But in fact, in the previous stages, love has not even begun. These levels of relations are considered inferior, in them so far everything happened by itself and did not require special efforts. Most people live all their relationships only in these lower phases. According to statistics, only three pairs out of ten are able to reasonably react at this stage. It is they who pass to the fourth step.
  4. Patience . It is from this moment the partners begin to lay the foundation of love. Quarrels are no longer fatal, suitcases on the threshold no longer stand. The couple is focused on how to maintain a relationship, not to destroy. Only at this stage of the relationship, partners begin to develop.
  5. Responsibility . Crossing their Rubicon, the partners gradually cease to focus only on themselves and start to think about what they can give to their half. It is during this period that responsibility and respect are formed. There is concern about the partner and his feelings, unwillingness to cause pain and provoke conflict situations. Everyone begins to perceive and understand their responsibilities and assumes all responsibility for the development of love relationships.
  6. Friendship . At this stage, the partners are completely different from each other, rather than at the first steps. Perhaps, it is during this period that both start appreciating their relationship and feel grateful to their partner, pride in their victories and successes. During this period, empathy, trust, real partner understanding and spiritual intimacy appear. Quarrels at this stage - an extremely rare phenomenon. For the most part, the couple solves problems with the help of conversations.
  7. Love . And, finally, only the last, the highest the stage of relations is love. And you can go to it for a very long time.


Some couples manage to skip some steps, but after many years the stages that have not been passed make themselves felt. It is noticed that people brought up in well-off families are most often less affected by crises in love relationships. And in Muslim families, for example, they may not even exist.

Unfortunately, most couples never go even to the fourth stage. This may be due to improper upbringing, an inferior family (when one partner grew up without one or both parents), a society's loyal attitude to divorce, or the spiritual immaturity of partners. But, however that may be, only in your power to create your own happiness.