Sincere feelings - what is sincerity in a relationship?

Are there sincere feelings in the modern world and how to recognize them? The person during a life gets various experience. Not always a positive and often painful experience in relationships forms "armor" and sincerity to manifest "deaths like". But there are people who have experienced much, have not lost the ability to sincerely show their feelings.

What does sincerity mean?

Sincere feelings are a genuine, natural manifestation of the emotions that are born in a person. At the heart of the concept of sincerity lies the word "spark". The feeling, arises as a spark, and immediately manifests itself in the external world, in accordance with the behavior, facial expressions and inner state of a person at the time of demonstrating a sincere feeling. Sincerity implies:

Psychology of sincerity

The phenomenon of sincerity in psychology is studied by social psychologists. Sincerity is formed in childhood. A young child still does not quite understand what his parents require or want from him, but unmistakably distinguishes the emotional state of the mother and father. Expression clearly manifests itself through facial expressions, gestures, voice intonation. Mom scolds the child, says an angry voice, but he sees that his face is not angry, so he swears "insincere", for fun. Sincerity of a person can be read through non-verbal manifestations:

Sincerity and honesty are the difference

The concepts of "sincerity" and "honesty" are often considered synonymous, they are similar, but not the same. What is the difference between sincerity and honesty:

  1. Sincerity is an emotional phenomenon expressed in a direct, unconscious expression of feelings: the emotion originated inside and immediately manifested itself in the external world.
  2. Honesty is a moral and social phenomenon, comes from "honoring", "respecting", "honoring". Honest people are respected in society. Honesty is connected with the actions of man.
  3. Sincerity is the consistency of speech with external manifestations (congruence).
  4. Honesty - includes sincerity and truthfulness based on moral values.

Sincerity - is it necessary now?

Sincerity is a character trait and for people who grew up in a family, where any manifestation of feelings was encouraged, it is difficult to restrain oneself emotionally. Such people have a hard time in society, because sincerity implies the transmission of both positive emotions and negative ones. Sincerity is considered a quality of mature personality, ready to withstand ridicule, libel and remain itself. Sincere feelings will always be in demand, because:

  1. Any person, even someone who is insincere, needs a sincere attitude.
  2. In the family - sincerity is the indicator of trust and mature relations between spouses;
  3. In the development of the child, sincere emotions and feelings are a necessary element of the upbringing of a harmonious personality.

How to test a man for the sincerity of feelings?

What girl or woman does not dream about mutual feelings with her partner? The degree of sincerity on the part of a man is not always understandable, since a strong sex doses any feelings, because by nature a man "is supposed" to be restrained. Sincerity of the partner's feelings can be recognized by the following criteria:

How to test a woman for the sincerity of feelings?

Honesty and sincerity guarantee a trusting and successful relationship between a man and a woman . What is sincerity in a relationship, it is more difficult for a strong sex to understand the beloved with sincerity or pretend for its own egoistic purposes. Some men, trying to figure this out, go to extremes and begin to follow every step of their girl. Sincere feelings from the weak sex are manifested as follows:

How to recognize the sincerity of a friend?

Friendship is first of all sincerity, so women believe. The very concept of female friendship is very energy intensive. Women - beings are vulnerable and emotional and in many respects are each other rather rivals: who is more beautiful, successful or more successful in men. True sincere friendship between women is of great value and it is a gift to be cherished. Manifestations of the sincerity of a friend:

How to develop sincerity?

How to learn sincerity and really develop this quality in yourself? Psychologists say that like any skill, sincerity can be developed through practical actions:

  1. Communication with sincere people . If you pay attention, such people are surrounded by a special energy and charisma, others are attracted to them. An insincere person does not attract such attention.
  2. Reading relevant psychological literature . It is useful that stages are given to the task of pumping the skill of sincerity.
  3. Getting rid of complexes . Often indecisiveness, shyness and shyness prevent one from being sincere with others, any step towards sincerity causes painful thoughts about his imperfection and fear "what will they think of me?"
  4. Openness . If the environment is credible, why not try to reveal yourself, show your goodwill, warmth and participation even to strangers. Only in this way a person can gain experience of sincere self-expression.
  5. Work with speech . Cold intonations in the voice can be signs of insincerity or indifference.