Child's regime in 1 month

The correct mode of the day is very important for a newborn baby from the first days of his life, and for his young parents. When a crumb only adapts to new conditions outside the mother's tummy, he needs to create the most favorable conditions for life, which are impossible without a well-organized daily routine.

Breastfed, which from the very start accustoms to a certain regime, fully and comprehensively develops and, in addition, grows calm and balanced. In the future, such a child becomes self-confident, collected and disciplined, so that he achieves the goals set much better and faster than his peers.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly organize the regime of a child's day at the age of 1 month and give an example of it.

Child's sleep in 1 month

The main task of a month's baby is to sleep and eat. In addition, at this age, the crumb should begin to establish visual and auditory contact with the parents.

To the baby could fully develop, he should sleep enough. Only when they are born, boys and girls sleep almost all the time and wake up only to eat. The duration of a night sleep of monthly babies is about 8-9 hours, and the daytime sleep is about 7 hours, however, it can be divided into 3-4 periods.

The time of wakefulness of the crumb at this age should not last more than an hour, so if you notice that the baby has not slept for a long time, it's better to pack it to avoid overwork.

Feeding regime of a child in 1 month

The question of whether to feed a newborn baby by the clock is unusually complex. Usually every mother has her own opinion on this score, which quite often does not coincide with the position of a pediatrician who observes a crumb. Nevertheless, most modern doctors and young mothers today choose the method of feeding "on demand".

Anyway, but the kid should necessarily receive from 6 to 8 feedings per day. Feeding crumbs at this age can be exclusively breast milk or an adapted milk formula. The amount of liquid food that your child should receive at a time varies from 50 to 90 ml and depends on the individual characteristics of the child.

Many mothers are very worried that their baby is not full. In fact, for young children, overeating is much more dangerous. Be sure to take into account the above recommendations and try not to overfeed your child.

Finally, do not forget about such important procedures as bathing and walking in the fresh air. To bathe a month's baby follows immediately before the last feeding and going to bed at night in a small bath with the addition of decoctions of medicinal plants.

It is necessary to walk with the baby, and in good weather it is best to make the crumb sleep on the street.

In the absence of contraindications, it is also recommended to do crumb daily "mother's" massage and light gymnastic exercises. This will allow him to develop much better in the future.

To organize your own day regimen for a month-old baby you will be helped by the approximate options offered in the following table: