What should a child be able to do in 8 months?

Eight months passed by unnoticed - while they were sorting out with colic - the first teeth started to climb, they learned to hold their heads, and now we are surely sitting and crawling, besides, Mom is gradually introducing new dishes into the diet. In short, the crumb has already largely succeeded, so you can sum up the first results: what a child can do in 8 months, what he says, what he eats, how much his teeth, what height and weight. And this is not to brag to relatives or other mummies on the playground. No, at this age, parents need to closely monitor the dynamics of the child's development, in order to be sure that everything goes on as usual and without deviations.

What should a child do in 8 months?

Despite the fact that at this age the baby grows not so fast, parents should keep parameters such as height and weight under control. Normally, the weight of an 8-month-old baby fluctuates between 7 and 10 kilograms, and the height is 66-73 centimeters. Of course, you need to take into account and individual characteristics, but the obvious shortcomings or bust, you can not ignore.

Next, let's talk about the acquired skills. What should a child be able to do in 8 months:

  1. Definitely, a healthy and developed child in 8 months is already confidently sitting. In this case, the baby easily returns to the reclining position independently, takes in the handles a number of lying objects
  2. Mummy can breathe a sigh of relief - turn over and take a comfortable position while sleeping a crumb can without help.
  3. Some babies can climb the legs, holding the support.
  4. By the end of the 8th month, many babies begin to crawl, but do not get upset and worry - crawl like not everyone, some prefer to just get up and go. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that crawling crochet is very necessary for strengthening the muscles of the musculoskeletal system, in particular, the back, and therefore it is desirable that the child does not miss this stage of his growing up.
  5. Talking about what the baby can do in 8 months, one can not but mention the actions performed by the pens: to take and shake the rattle, to catch with two fingers a small object, to clap your hands or point a finger at the object of interest - all this is possible for an eight-month-old baby.
  6. Many babies already well operate kitchen utensils: they knock a spoon on a plate, drink from a cup or drinkers.
  7. Also, kids learn to undress, especially they like to take off socks.

What should a child be able to do in 8 months: mental development

The brain of an 8-month-old baby like a sponge - it absorbs any incoming information, hence the colossal load on the nervous system. Do not be surprised that the child's sleep at this age became restless: at night the baby can wake up, cry, spin, creep, get up - all these are temporary phenomena caused by excessive stress on the fragile nervous system of the crumbs. However, the infant's success in terms of psycho-emotional development is already evident:

  1. The memory is actively developing - the crumb is already able to remember the latest events.
  2. The kid is well oriented in space, for example, after hearing the question: "where?" - begins to actively turn his head in search of the given object.
  3. You can say that from this age begins, the so-called "monkey period" and it will not end soon. In the meantime, parents can only rejoice, because their child at this stage imitates only them.
  4. As for speech. What the child says in 8 months - to understand, at best, only mom can. Nevertheless, his speech already contains all the sounds of his native language, less often 8-month-old babies "give out" the simplest words like "mom" or "dad." By the way, now it is very useful to include the child music, tell poems and fairy tales, describe their actions and surrounding objects, because in this way the baby forms his own, as yet passive vocabulary.
  5. What, for sure, the child can do in 8 months, and both the boy and the girl, so it is to distinguish the native people from the strangers. The crumbs have fears, especially the kid is afraid to part with mom - this is quite normal phenomenon, which indicates that the baby is developing correctly.