At what age can you use the walker?

Until now, hot discussions have not subsided about the age at which baby walkers can be used. There are ardent opponents of this invention for toddlers, as well as those who are actively advocating for their use, just a kid will begin to hold the head. Let's figure out who is right, and whether there is a middle ground that should be adhered to.

From what age can you put in the boy's walker?

Here the same law applies as for a normal sitting. That is, in six months a boy can be put in a walker for a few minutes a day. To get to know them it will be enough for five minutes. It is important that the baby was at the same time in a good mood, otherwise the new thing will not be to his liking, and the purchase will gather dust in a dark corner.

The boy should be cared for in a walker carefully, because in an uncomfortable situation, children who have a history of physiological phimosis, can get inflammation of the foreskin. This is due to an uncomfortable seat in which the toddler looks like a parachutist. In addition to genital organs, in such an adaptation, puffy legs are pushed, which is fraught with a violation of blood circulation.

At what age can you use a baby walker?

Girls are recommended to plant in a walker a couple of weeks later than boys, that is, six and a half months. No one has found the relationship between their early use and gynecological problems, but there is a probability of this. Especially harmful is the prolonged stay in the walker, which can lead to inflammation, in particular vaginitis.

But age by age, and most of all parents should be guided by the child's readiness to sit in the walker. To do this, he must already be able to hold the body in an upright position for a long time without falling over on his side.

How long can the children sit in a walker?

In addition to the inappropriate age, health problems can arise due to the fact that the mother abuses the walkers, that is, leaves the baby in them for a long time. Unfortunately, such a situation is not uncommon, when parents show off that thanks to the walkers, their life has become much simpler and the child can play for hours at them.

To the new entertainment for the baby went to him not to the detriment, you should leave him to play in the walker for no more than 30-40 minutes a day. This time, doctors are recommended as safe for the child.

Possible disadvantages when using walkers

If you do not adhere to the age recommended by doctors, from which you can use baby walkers for a child, there is a risk of acquiring or aggravating the existing problems with the health of the baby:

In addition to influencing a child's health, walkers can be dangerous for him because of instability. Particularly sin this cheap plastic walker, made without any standards and calculations. Often children turn in such, especially when they lean on one side behind a fallen toy. Therefore, you should choose only a quality product and do not save on the safety of the baby.

When parents have already decided on how many months you can use baby walkers for a baby, you should strictly follow the security measures. They are to ensure that the child is constantly under supervision, because in case of a coup or attempt to get out of the walker, the youngster can suffer or simply be frightened.

To minimize the negative effect of the device on the formation of the foot, the toddler should wear shoes with a hard sole and a high back. In addition, you should adjust the height of the walker or seat, so that the child does not hang in them, but rests on the floor. Under no circumstances should this vehicle be used near the staircase to the lower floor in private houses.