Treatment of bronchitis in the home

Viral infections are usually the causative agents of acute respiratory viral infection and concomitant inflammatory processes in the bronchi. This leads to a dry debilitating cough, which can go into a chronic form.

As a rule, first treated bronchitis at home. Only severe cases and the presence of complications require hospitalization and observation in the hospital.

Treatment of cough in acute bronchitis at home

First you need to take care of the correct mode and power:

  1. To include in the diet more cereals, vegetables, fruits and fermented milk products.
  2. Daily drink at least 1.5-2 liters of warm liquid. It is desirable that the drinks were fortified: broths of raspberries, dogrose, chamomile, mint, linden with honey, natural fruit drinks and compotes.
  3. Observe the bed or half-bed regime, especially in the early days of bronchitis, when the body temperature is increased.
  4. Refuse any bad habits, exclude contact with polluted air, fumes of toxic substances, dust.
  5. After normalizing body temperature, take short walks on the street every day.

These measures will help reduce the viscosity of sputum faster and accelerate its removal from the bronchi together with toxins released by the cells of the virus.


1. Expectorants (with a dry cough, at the beginning of the disease):

2. Means for liquefying sputum (with a wet cough):

3. Anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve symptoms:

Additional supportive treatment:

1. Inhalations with inhalation of phytoncides from essential oils:

2. Phytotherapy:

3. Respiratory gymnastics.

4. Special massage of the chest and back.

It is worth noting that antibiotics are not needed in this disease. They are prescribed for purulent sputum, a sharp deterioration in the state, a repeated increase in temperature.

Effective treatment of obstructive bronchitis in the home

If the acute form of pathology is complicated by signs of obstruction and airway cramps, the drugs that expand the bronchi should be included in the above course of therapy.

The best choice in this situation is salbutamol-based drugs:

Another compound with bronchodilator properties is beryl. It is recommended for inhalation.

How is chronic bronchitis treated at home?

This type of disease is considered to be the most difficult for therapy, since the chronic form of bronchitis occurs against a background of very long and irreversible changes in the tissues and functions of the respiratory organs.

During the recurrence of the pathology, the treatment regimen is fully consistent with the above course. For the periods of remission, patients are recommended prophylaxis:

If bronchial obstruction progresses, regular use of anticholinergics is indicated:

Severe obstructive processes involve the appointment of glucocorticosteroids, in particular - Prednisolone.

Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis in the home

Bronchial asthma requires constant therapy, with mandatory prevention of viral and bacterial diseases. Basis treatment consists in the use of aerosol bronchodilators:

In addition, improve the patency of the airways, the body's resistance to irritants, helps: