Growing grapes

Grapes are cultivated not only by professional winemakers, but also by amateur gardeners - after all, you want to taste juicy berries or enjoy home wine.

Growing grapes from chibouks

For the successful cultivation of grapes from chibouks, it is better to pick up cuttings. Roots on them will start to form faster, and therefore the kidney will receive all the necessary nutrients in time when grown. Growing grapes at home begins with the preparation of a seat. From cardboard we cut out strips and we twist them into glasses without a bottom, the size of a glass is 32x10 cm. We fix the resulting glasses on the board. Fill a third of the garden land with the addition of compost and sand in a proportion of 3: 1: 1. In each filled glass we insert on the cuttings and fill the soil. Press the ground to the handle and water. We place the workpiece on the illuminated place where it is warm. Make sure that the earth is constantly wet, and periodically loosen it.

One week before the planting of seedlings, start periodically taking them out to the yard in a shaded place. Thus, you can gradually harden the grapes and prepare it for new conditions. In the future, the seedlings are transplanted into the school directly with cups, so as not to damage the roots. Before transplanting in the sun, you should put water to keep it warm, and water it planted grapes.

Under such conditions of growing grapes by autumn, your seedlings will have a fairly powerful root system and several good sleeves. Such a seedling can be safely planted on a permanent place, but the conditions for its development will be somewhat worse.

Growing grapes in a greenhouse

Growing grapes seedlings with this method makes it possible to accelerate the transition from one phase to another for two weeks. Before planting, pits are prepared with a depth and width of about 50 cm. Preliminarily, the compost, superphosphate and ash are introduced, mixed well with the soil. When planting, it is necessary to leave a half meter between the seedlings, after covering, cover with a film.

Form the grapes should be the type of vertical cordon. In the first year the seedling is cut into two eyes. After the beginning of growth of shoots leave only the strongest. After reaching a height of 1.2 meters, the shoot is pricked. In addition, all stepsons should be removed, leaving one sheet at a time. In the second year, the shoot is cut into five kidneys.

When growing grapes, you should also regulate the number of grapes on each shoot. For varieties with large bunches, it is best to leave one on each shoot, and remove all weak inflorescences. To obtain large berries, the bunch is also thinned out. Growing grapes in a greenhouse is a very painstaking process. Be sure to often ventilate the greenhouse during the ripening period of berries. It is also necessary to chase the shoots and tear off the leaves that obscure the bunches. For the cultivation of grapes in this way polycarbonate greenhouses will perfectly suit the cottage. If you are faced with a disease of mildew, bushes need to be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux fluid. When the oidium appears, the sheets pollinate the young gray. After harvesting, grapes should be fed fertilizers.

Maiden Grapes: cultivation

It is worth while to stop on this kind of grapes. Liana very well tolerates frosts, unpretentious. For cultivation, loose and light soils are suitable. As growth grows, mineral and organic fertilizers should be fed. The plant prefers moderate watering. It is very easy to reproduce it. It is enough to cut the lashes and put them into the water. In a couple of weeks there will be roots and seedlings ready for planting. We prepare small pits for disembarkation, in the end we water well. Grapes are excellent in both shade and light. When growing, remember that the plant is quite heavy, so that the support for it needs a powerful one.