Eucharis does not blossom

Euharis, or Amazonian lily, is popular with florists due to unusual flowering. White flowers with a delicate fragrance are located on a long peduncle and resemble the appearance of daffodils. In general, with proper care, euharis is able to please its owner with the appearance of buds twice a year - in early spring and late autumn. But complaints are not rare that eucharis does not bloom, and from year to year. We will explain why this happens and tell you what to do if the eucharis does not bloom.

Why does not the eucharis blossom?

Basically, the lack of flowering in this plant is associated with improper care. Firstly, the Amazonian lily loves relative tightness in the pot. This means that the eukher does not need a spacious pot, it is preferable to put several bulbs in one tank at once. After all, because of excess space, the plant increases the bulb, but does not bloom. In addition, for flowering eukheris you need to reach a certain size and give a few children.

In addition, the Amazon lily does not bloom for one more reason. The fact is that this plant has a feature - twice a year the period of rest is necessary for the eucharis. Given this condition, the probability of obtaining white flowers is high.

How to make the eucharis bloom?

So, if you dream of seeing flowers on your pet, we first recommend giving the plant the opportunity to grow up and give the kids. To do this, the pot should be placed in a bright place, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on the leaves. When you see that there are babies in the tank, it means that the Amazon lily is ready for flowering.

Periodically watering the eucharis, arrange for him a period of rest at the end of winter or in March. It is recommended to transplant the flower, leaving at the same time in one pot at least three onions. In addition, virtually eliminate watering, and place the plant pot in the room with temperature not higher than +15 + 16 degrees (maximum +18). Take care that the Amazon lily is not exposed to drafts or temperature changes. Do not spray the leaves at all and perform very weak watering. By the way, fertilizing should not be done either. When two months have passed since the beginning of the rest period, place the pot with the plant in a warm room, start to water abundantly and feed. Such a sharp change in the conditions of cultivation will provoke the eucharis to blossom, and after some time your resident on the windowsill will necessarily give a flower spike on which white buds will soon appear.

Precisely the same actions should be carried out in August, so that the eucharis will blossom in autumn.