Bread diet for weight loss on rye bread from nutritionist Olga Raz

It would seem that these are completely incompatible concepts - grain products and a reduction in diet. It's hard to believe that you can eat pastries and lose kilograms! It is completely unimaginable for those who believe that proper nutrition must necessarily be combined with hunger pangs, self-denial and sacrifice with their favorite dishes.

People trying to lose weight, often complain that they are "on bread and water", and lose weight does not work. Nutritionists, on the other hand, caution those who lose weight from excessive consumption of high-carb products, saying that in this case all efforts to acquire a thin waist will go to waste. How to understand who is right?

Useful bread for weight loss

Still our distant ancestors did not doubt that bread products can be useful for health. This does not apply to all types of cereal products, but baking from bran, buckwheat, rye flour, made on a no-fat basis, will be beneficial to the body. Hippocrates said that the use of bran in food acts healthily for the intestines, cleaning it and contributing to weight loss, so already in those days there were no questions what kind of bread is when losing weight.

Diet on bread

Proceeding from the above, the bread diet provides for the use of foods cooked in a certain way, if a person wants to improve their health, lose weight quickly, cheerfully, and then do not gain weight again. It is necessary to take into account the condition that baking will be useful if done according to a certain recipe - without the use of yeast, from the flour of coarse grinding.

Bread diet of Olga Raz

The Israeli doctor Olga Raz during the experiments established the relationship between the use of high-carbohydrate food and the level of serotonin ("the hormone of happiness") in the blood. Then she thought about creating a diet, the basis of which would be cereals. After all, then the person would lose weight with pleasure, not including his state as something out of the ordinary. Bread when losing weight can be eaten - observing certain rules, and the diet will become a real pleasure.

Diet on rye bread

Rye bread is considered one of the most useful. A piece of rye bread with a glass of yogurt will not bring anything to the person, except for good, so the bread diet on rye bread is considered one of the most reasonable and useful - as a result, such baking contains a lot of useful microelements, and fiber that helps the body to remove waste products. This diet contributes to rapid saturation, improve metabolism , increase the level of red blood cells.

Diet on black bread

It is believed that black bread is a Russian national product. Foreigners have always noted that Russians prefer meat to meat. At the same time, products made from wholemeal flour were considered destitution of the poor, nobles ate products made from fine flour and only now it has been established how useful black bread is when losing weight. All doctors unequivocally recommend replacing white bread in the diet with black. Unas, there are several varieties of such products - this is Borodinsky, and Darnichny, and Stolichny. All of them are made from absolutely natural products.

Diet on bread and water

Paradoxically, a diet based on water and grain products helps to quickly lose weight to those who need to lose as many kilograms as possible. Adhering to this diet, a person eats about two slices of bread a day and drinks a glass of fresh juice diluted with water. This is a very effective diet - water and black bread help to lose weight quickly, but doctors are rather skeptical about it, saying that this approach does not lose fat, but muscle tissue.

Bread for weight loss - recipe

In order not to search for a suitable product, many housewives prefer to cook dietary bread at home.



  1. Mix flour, almonds, flaxseed, baking powder, salt, bran.
  2. To this mixture, add egg whites and cottage cheese, stir to the same consistency.
  3. Put the paper in the baking dish and sprinkle the walls with flour and bran.
  4. Place dough into the mold, sprinkle with seeds or other powder.
  5. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees, bake for an hour.
  6. Pull the mold out of the oven, allow it to cool slightly, so that the bread does not stick to the walls, and then take out the finished product.
  7. Bake put on the table and cover with a clean towel or napkin to "rested."