What foods reduce blood sugar?

About what products reduce blood sugar, mostly interested in diabetics, as well as people who want to get rid of excess weight . For the first - this is important, because on this depends, in fact, their lives, and for the second - it is necessary to get rid of excess weight.

What foods reduce blood sugar?

In principle, the question is incorrectly posed, since there are no products that directly affect the level of sugar. The purpose of such food is to reduce the burden on the pancreas, which means it will be easier for this body to produce insulin. Similar products that reduce blood sugar, are selected, focusing on a lower glycemic index . It is recommended for your diet to choose products that have less than 50 units.

The daily menu includes vegetables that can be eaten raw, as well as boiling, stewing and steaming. Doubts about the benefits of such products should not arise, because they include different vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which favorably affect blood sugar levels. What products, namely vegetables, help reduce blood sugar: Jerusalem artichoke, beans, garlic, lettuce, cabbage, etc.

Be sure to include in your menu fruit, which is an excellent substitute for sweets, which are prohibited. It is recommended to eat cherries, which is an excellent antioxidant and a source of easily digestible fiber. Pay attention to the lemon, which reduces the impact of foods that have a high glycemic index. What foods, namely fruits, reduce blood sugar: apples with peel, citrus and avocado.

For cooking, it is recommended to use spices, which also have a positive effect on the dynamics of reducing the amount of sugar. Use in the recipes vinegar, mustard, ginger and cinnamon.

To prevent the increase in the amount of sugar, as well as to normalize the level, it is important to know which foods reduce sugar:

  1. Oatmeal . With regular consumption of such cereal, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes. It has a lot of fiber, normalizing the sugar level.
  2. Nuts . They are rich in substances that help slow the process of absorption of sugar in the blood. There are restrictions, so it is not recommended to eat more than 50 grams a day.
  3. Bulgarian pepper is red . This vegetable is non-nutritious, and also it is rich in antioxidants and ascorbic acid. Pepper helps to stabilize blood sugar, and it also increases the protective functions of the body.
  4. Fish . Talking about what products, you can reduce blood sugar, you can not fail to mention the fish, because it is scientifically proven that consuming it at least twice a week, you can reduce the risk of diabetes by 25%. The best option for heat treatment is baking and steaming.
  5. Cinnamon . The composition of this spice includes polyphenols, fiber and magnesium - substances that help reduce the amount of glucose in the blood. Regularly it is worth using 0.5 teaspoons, which will reduce the risk of diabetes. Powder can be added to cereals, sauces, various drinks and desserts.
  6. Avocado . The composition of this fruit includes many useful substances that not only reduce the risk of increasing blood sugar, but they also strengthen immunity. These substances include fatty acids, fiber, protein, and minerals.
  7. Jerusalem artichoke . This unpopular product contains insulin and fructose, so it normalizes metabolism, and also removes harmful substances and helps to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood.