Diet for chronic renal failure

The kidneys perform metabolic, excretory, ion-adjusting and other functions in the human body, and when the work of this organ is disrupted, the nutrition of the patient is of great importance. In chronic renal failure - CRF, the diet provides for a reduction in the volume of foods that overload the organ and this primarily proteins.

What is the diet for chronic renal failure?

The general principles of diet therapy are based on:

The protein used per day must be half vegetable, half animal. An animal can be obtained from lean meat and fish, as well as dairy products, and vegetable from bread, nuts, legumes, cereals. The share of the latter in the diet should be increased, since they are rich in carbohydrates. The low-protein diet for CRF involves the preparation of vegetarian soups, and limited - milk. You can bake, stew, boil and fry vegetables, eat sweets - fruits, berries, sweets, marmalade, honey, jam, kissel, ice cream, etc. Low-protein diet with CRF allows the use of 5-6 grams of salt per day. The amount of liquid consumed together with the first dishes should not exceed the daily amount of urine output by 500 ml.

It is forbidden to eat rich broths and fatty meat, smoked products, sausages, canned food, pickles, marinades, pickled vegetables and mushrooms, chocolate . It is necessary to refuse from sauces and spices, strong drinks - coffee, cocoa, and also alcohol. You can drink bicarbonate mineral water without gas and it is very important to consume food fractionally - 5-6 times a day. To improve the taste is not forbidden to season dishes with laurel leaves, dill, cinnamon, cloves, fragrant pepper, parsley.