Diet "milk"

Behind the mysterious name "milk" is a traditional for England drink - tea with milk. In our country, coffee with milk is more popular, however, tea gradually acquires fame. However, while he is appreciated not for taste, but for his ability to easily control the appetite and the invaluable help in losing weight.

How to lose weight on milk?

Milk tea is an excellent diuretic that quickly removes excess fluid from the body, so you can easily reduce weight by several kilograms for just 3-4 days. However, weight reduction will occur at the expense of fluid, rather than fat mass, so this variant of weight loss is more suitable as an emergency, before important events.

However, on the basis of milk, there are other diets that allow you to steadily reduce weight and save the result. We will consider both options.

Milk recipes for a diet

Milk tea should be made on the basis of green tea, preferably not brewed, but as it should be, in a brewer of quality tea leaves. Let's consider some recipes:

You can choose the easiest way of cooking - the main thing is that you are satisfied with the taste of the drink, in terms of the benefits of the drink there is no difference.

Milk for slimming: diet

There is a fairly tough diet for 2-3 days, for which you can lose 2-3 kg of weight. However, not all will sustain it. During the entire diet time, only milk is allowed. In addition to it, water and 1-2 apples or cucumber per day are also acceptable. This is an emergency diet, which can only be used in extreme cases. Weight after it comes back pretty quickly, as well as after other short strict diets.

How to drink milk for weight loss?

The best option for losing weight on milk is a diet based on proper nutrition , which allows fast and effectively burn fat deposits. Its diet is built approximately on the same principle from day to day, and it can continue until the desired result is achieved:

  1. Breakfast - a pair of fried or boiled eggs, or porridge, and tea with milk without sugar.
  2. Lunch - vegetable salad with butter, light soup any, a slice of black bread.
  3. A snack is an apple, or a half-cup of cottage cheese, or a piece of cheese.
  4. Dinner - a couple of mugs.
  5. A couple of hours later - another mug.

This is a simple and easy way to quickly reduce weight, while saying goodbye to the fat deposits.