Herpes on the body - the reasons for the appearance

There are viruses present in almost every human body, but they can not manifest themselves in any way. This disease is herpes on the body, the causes of which are, first of all, in the deterioration of the body's defenses. Streets with weak immunity disease is activated with, for example, as a result of hypothermia, nervous stress, antibiotic therapy and other factors.

Why does herpes appear on the body?

The disease affects people of all sexes at any age. If in childhood a person gets chickenpox caused by the herpes virus, then the causative agent remains forever in the body. This virus can remain in the human body for a lifetime and does not disturb the infected person. However, some people whose immune system is weakened are much more likely to face this ailment. This can lead to frequent emotional stress, transmitted infections and hypothermia.

In addition, the development of herpes on the body can result from such causes:

In addition, often herpes is not worried about the body as a result of impaired immunity for such reasons: pregnancy, people, organ transplantation operations, HIV infection. In addition, the risk group includes people who have reached the age of fifty.

As a rule, the causative agent manifests itself as a result of a relapse of an earlier transferred illness.

Treatment of herpes on the body depending on the causes of the disease

Completely get rid of the pathogen can not, therapy is mainly to strengthen the immune system, eliminate symptoms and fight the disease that triggered the activation of the virus.

Treatment involves the use of such tools:

  1. Anti-herpetic drugs, such as Acyclovir and Alpisarin Ointment.
  2. For elimination of external symptoms prescribe such creams and ointments as Panavir, Depanthenol, Bonafton.
  3. For anesthesia, lidocaine, Ibuprofen, and paracetamol are used against the temperature.
  4. Patients are also prescribed immunomodulators (Cycloferon and B vitamins, vitamins C, and E.

Therapy of herpes sores is at home. For successful treatment, you must strictly follow the doctor's instructions.