Diuretics for edema

"Edema" refers to the accumulation of fluid in tissues due to disruption of some organs or unbalanced nutrition.

At first glance this is a harmless symptom, however, this is not quite so: permanent swelling can lead to brain damage. The big danger is that permanent swelling is a signal about the violation of the work of such important organs as the heart or kidneys. Naturally, in order to eliminate swelling, it is necessary to cure the disease that caused them, or to normalize the nutrition, if it became the primary cause. But not always the disease is treated quickly, so it becomes necessary to remove swelling with the help of diuretics. On the one hand, this is the easiest way to get rid of the swelling in the next 6 hours, but on the other hand, the constant intake of diuretics is very bad for the work of the heart.

Causes of edema and medication

There are two types of edema that are permanent in nature. People call them "renal" and "hearty".

With heart failure, edema appears first on the legs, and toward evening increase. With renal edema, the face first swells: a characteristic puffiness develops, which is especially noticeable in the morning. By the evening such swelling noticeably decreases.

Also, swelling is local and common. In the first case, the fluid accumulates only in the subcutaneous tissue, and in the second - in the muscles and large cavities of the body.

The main causes of edema include the following:

  1. Impaired lymph flow.
  2. High permeability of vessel walls.
  3. High pressure.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. Heart failure.
  6. Kidney disease.
  7. Rarely, liver disease.

Drugs for swelling

Diuretics have a multi-level classification, in which they are distinguished by the strength and principle of action.

One of the most powerful diuretics is furosemide. This medication acts very quickly, and sometimes it is used as a diuretic for face swelling to relieve a strong swelling. It can be taken only in emergency cases, because it flushes a lot of useful micronutrients and its misuse can lead to dehydration.

If you need diuretics with moderate swelling of the legs, then a suitable option would be diacarb. Its effect is not as pronounced as furosemide, and accordingly, the loss from its administration is not so significant. Its action begins in 2 hours and lasts about 10 hours.

If a diuretic is necessary for minor oedemas, then diuretics of strong and moderate action need not be used. There is a separate group of similar drugs - potassium-sparing diuretics, which retain potassium in the body (as far as possible), but at the same time have a weak effect. This group of drugs includes veroshpiron, which begins to act after a long period of time - up to 5 days.

Folk diuretics for edema

Besides medicamentous, there are also natural diuretics - decoctions from plants.

These include:

  1. A bearberry leaf.
  2. Horsetail.
  3. Sheet of orthosiphon.
  4. Rosehips.

To reduce swelling, it is enough to boil one of these funds and take half a glass 3 times a day.

Before you use herbs, you need to consult a doctor.

The risk of regular intake of diuretics

Constant reception of diuretics can cause a deficiency of potassium and calcium, which will lead to disruption of the heart. They are undesirable to use for longer than 5 days (especially if it concerns potent drugs).

The same applies to folk remedies: it does not matter which substance takes the liquid out of the body, the main thing is that along with it useful micronutrients are derived. After a long intake of diuretics, you must follow a strengthened diet rich in dairy products (sources of calcium), as well as bananas, oranges and baked potatoes (sources of potassium).