Chronic rhinitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Due to physiological characteristics or a variety of damaging factors in the sinuses of the nose, a mild inflammatory process may persist. This chronic rhinitis - symptoms and treatment in adults of this disease depends on its variety. In total there are 4 forms of slow inflammation of the nasal sinuses: catarrhal, hypertrophic, vasomotor and atrophic type of pathology.

Symptoms of chronic rhinitis in adults

Consider the signs of this disease in accordance with its classification:

1. Catarrhal rhinitis:

2. Hypertrophic rhinitis:

3. Vasomotor rhinitis:

4. Atrophic rhinitis:

Treatment of symptoms of chronic rhinitis in adults

Traditional therapy of the described disease also depends on its variety.

For the treatment of catarrhal rhinitis, it is first necessary to eliminate all factors that provoke it, and also to conduct anti-inflammatory therapy. You can get rid of the symptoms of the disease with antibacterial and astringent drugs. Otolaryngologists are usually prescribed:

1. Solutions:

2. Drops and sprays:

3. Ointments:

4. Physiotherapy:

With hypertrophied mucous membranes, the treatment consists in burning off excess tissue. For this, liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction) or trichloroacetic acid is used.

Therapy of seasonal inflammations is carried out in a complex manner, taking into account the prescriptions of an allergist. Treatment of chronic vasomotor rhinitis in adults includes such drugs:

1. Antihistamines:

2. Vasoconstrictors:

Also, specific immune therapy is effective under the supervision of a specialist.

In the treatment of atrophic rhinitis, the following medicines are used:

1. Washing solutions:

2. Drops:

3. Ointments:

4. Oily liquids:

It is important to remember that any appointments should be made by an otolaryngologist.

Treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults by folk remedies

Methods of alternative medicine can reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms, but as a monotherapy they are not suitable, because they do not affect the causes of the problem.

To relieve nasal breathing and remove swelling of the sinuses, the broths and infusions of the following plants help:

Means of these herbs can not only be taken internally, but also with their help to wash the sinuses.

In the treatment of atrophic rhinitis, such natural oils are effective: