How to wean a puppy to write at home?

Many owners of small dogs face the following problem: the puppy does not pee on the street, and does all his needs at home, doing it anywhere. Do not let go of your hands, but just have the patience and necessary knowledge in this matter. Let's talk about ways how to wean a puppy to write at home.

The main recommendations for teaching a puppy to write on the street

First, and the main rule - you need not be afraid to punish the offending puppy, but you need to do it on time and moderately. For example, if the dog squats explicitly in order to pee, immediately you need to hit it with the rump. Do not beat too much, it can bring harm to the pet, but too weak a blow will not bring the desired effect. A gross mistake is to punish the puppy after he has done his job, he will not understand anything and will only be offended.

The second rule is appropriate praise. It is necessary to praise the puppy when he pisses on the street.

Approximately in the first two weeks, when the puppy pisses anywhere, it should be walked up to 4-5 times a day. At the same time for every fault in this area of ​​the house the dog must be punished. After two weeks, when the puppy basically stops writing at home, you can reduce the number of day-trips to three.

If the dog does not meet the need in the street, you need to walk with her until she does not. Usually 2-3 days are enough to understand when she usually does it, and adjust to her schedule.

To answer the question, why the puppy pisses at home, you need to learn how to understand it. Maybe he's just lazy, or afraid of something on the street. Basically, the dog marks the territory only in the first few days upon arrival in the new house, after which the cause of the offenses lies in the other. The reasons for the bad behavior of the puppy can be: