Masks for hair with oils

Oils of plants have long been used for cosmetic purposes. Many women still use these drugs today in order to get rid of the problems associated with hair health.

Oil for hair growth

The use of a mask for hair using olive oil can improve both damaged and dry hair. Also, this mask effectively strengthens the scalp: dandruff disappears, and along with dandruff disappears scaling and unpleasant skin irritations.

You can just rub the oil into your hair, or you can use this recipe:

  1. Prepare 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.
  2. Mix it with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil.
  3. Apply to hair.
  4. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Oil for the recovery of all types of hair

The amazing properties of castor oil are used for healing all types of hair. The so-called castor oil perfectly restores the column of hair along the entire length, feeds it and glues the scales formed with the brittle hair. Hair grows stronger, shine and strength appear.

Also, a hair mask with castor oil provides nutrition to the scalp, which strengthens the hair follicles and helps to eliminate dandruff. The easiest way to use it is to rub the oil in your head 15 minutes before washing your hair.

The most nutritious of oils

Coconut oil is a product containing a large number of various fatty acids. Given this property, hair masks using coconut oil should be used only by observing a certain concentration of oil.

If the hair is dry, you can use 50% coconut oil concentrate, if fat, then the oil concentration should be significantly less, several times. Correct and regular application of such masks to the hair makes it possible to get brilliant, strong and healthy hair.

Apply this oil as follows:

  1. Pip a couple drops of oil on the comb.
  2. For five minutes, carefully comb your hair.
  3. After half an hour, wash your head thoroughly.
  4. Allow the hair to dry naturally.

Oil for comprehensive hair care

Useful properties of a hair mask with linseed oil provide an opportunity to comprehensively take care of hair, especially if they are dry and brittle. The application of the mask gives a wonderful moisturizing, helps to strengthen hair bulbs, improve their structure. All this strengthens the hair, and they grow faster.

For an example, here is a recipe:

  1. Take a couple of spoons of flaxseed oil.
  2. Mix with a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  3. For a couple of hours before washing, carefully rub the mixture into the scalp.

Oil for weak hair

Properties of sea buckthorn oil can restore both weakened and thinned hair. For overdried and brittle hair, regular use of the mask with sea buckthorn oil gives a remarkable result, contributing to their strengthening and healthy growth, makes the hair strong, elastic and shiny.