Infants crack joints

In the first days after birth, inexperienced young mummies, dressing their baby, are very worried, afraid of inept movement to harm the child. Imagine now what panic begins when parents hear that their breasts are cracked joints. What this means, and what the crunch in the joints of the baby is associated with, we will now tell in detail.

Causes of joint crunching

Fortunately, in most cases, the answer to the question: "Why do babies get joint crunching?" Is quite harmless and soothing. Usually the infant suffers from joint pain due to the fact that the musculoskeletal system has not yet fully formed. And this phenomenon in most cases is not a signal of the organism about possible deviations in it. Over time, "crunch in the bones of the baby", as this phenomenon is called by some mothers, will disappear by itself. After all, the baby grows, the body strengthens and begins to work at full strength.

But, as is known, tar can not be avoided without a spoon. In addition to the self-passing crunch, there are diseases in which the crunch of the joints is a symptom. Such ailments include:

The following symptoms should be cautious for parents, if at least one of them should be immediately consulted by a doctor.

  1. The crunch is heard only from the same place, indicating that the same joint crunches.
  2. Bending and bending the leg or handle, you hear a kind of clicks.
  3. Noticing the crunch in the hip area, carefully examine the wrinkles on the elongated legs of the child. They must be symmetrical. It is also necessary to carefully try to divorce the child's thighs, if this is difficult to do, then it may be a dislocation of the hip, or dysplasia.
  4. Also should be alerted that the crunch is marked for a long time, and pass, as if not going.
  5. During the movement and appearance of such a crunch, the baby cries.
  6. Well, of course, the accompanying crunch is a skin tumor and redness around the joint that makes such sounds.

Parting words

If, having read our article and having watched the child, you realized that it is necessary to visit a specialist, do not delay. After all, it is better to begin to struggle with the problem at an early stage than to run it and still torment the child for a long time. For example, orthopedic problems are well treated with a special swaddling and a kind of correction, which is easiest to do in early childhood.