Allergy to breast milk - symptoms

Mother's milk is the main food of the baby. Milk of the mother contains the necessary nutritional elements, proteins and vitamins, being a protective complex for the baby. But what if the baby has an allergy to breast milk?

It is important to understand that an allergy from breast milk can not exist by itself. The manifestation of an allergic reaction in a baby is caused by the content of accumulated allergens in the breast milk of the mother.

An allergy to breast milk symptoms in a child is manifested as follows:

What are the signs of an allergic reaction to breast milk and what are they caused by?

  1. Dysfunction of diet. If the mother abuses any kinds of food, be it strawberries, nuts, chocolate, exotic fruits, red vegetables. In this case, the baby has a loose stool and a rash all over his body.
  2. Allergic to gluten. Unlimited use of protein of vegetable origin, such cereal crops as: oats, rice, millet, barley. Therefore, during the first months of feeding the baby, it is better not to eat foods that contain gluten.
  3. Allergy to cow's milk protein. Abuse of dairy products can lead to an allergic reaction to protein. The baby can be disrupted by physical development, a frothy green chair, frequent regurgitation, skin rashes and colic in the abdomen.
  4. Chemical additives. If there are a lot of dyes and preservatives in the products that the mother uses, this can harm a child.

In case of finding such symptoms and reactions, it is worth to consult a qualified doctor. If you follow all the recommendations, then the allergic reaction will come to naught.