Is it possible to drink beer during breastfeeding?

During lactation, women have to restrict certain foods in the diet, and refuse to give up a number of favorite dishes and drinks. But after all young mummy too it would be desirable to indulge itself. Therefore sometimes there are questions, whether it is possible to drink beer at thoracal feeding. This topic raises a lot of controversy among the newly mums, therefore it is worthwhile to study it carefully.

Harm to beer during breastfeeding

Some argue that drinking this drink is even beneficial to the nursing. This is explained by the fact that in beer there are vitamins of group B and some other useful substances. It is also believed that the drink has a beneficial effect on lactation, contributes to an increase in the amount of milk. But inexperienced mothers should first understand how true these statements are.

Indeed, beer contains useful elements, but apart from them it includes alcohol, which negatively affects crumbs. The newborn's digestive system is not perfect, its body is vulnerable. Even minor doses of alcohol can harm him, for example, a child may have colic, problems with the nervous system, developmental disorders.

If a woman in beer attracts the presence of useful elements, then it is worth thinking about other products with a high content of these substances. It is better to add bran, whole wheat bread to the diet . And the answer to the question, whether it is possible to drink beer while breastfeeding a newborn, will be negative.

The fact that it improves lactation is a myth. Drink only leads to swelling of the tissues and stretching, besides contributing to fluid retention in the body. Therefore, when feeding a baby, it will be difficult to suck milk.

Separately it is necessary to say about non-alcoholic beer during breastfeeding. Some believe that it is completely harmless to the newborn. But in the production of this beer a number of additives are used, which should not be used when lactating.

General recommendations

Obviously, it is better to stop using beer when lactating. In general, it is believed that if suddenly a woman drank a small amount of drink once, this will not lead to negative consequences. But it is necessary to take into account, how much during breastfeeding the beer is excreted from the body. This time will depend on various factors:

If you drink one glass of beer, it is better not to give the crumb breast from 3 to 6 hours. You can feed the baby expressed in advance milk. If you drink, then only after a full meal, and not on an empty stomach.