Is it possible to date with breastfeeding?

A variety of exotic fruits are included in the category of products prohibited during the feeding of the baby. But women who prefer natural sweets, I want to know if you can eat dates with breastfeeding. After all, this unique delicacy has many useful properties that you do not want to give up during the GW period.

What is the use of dates?

Since ancient times, healers have used the medicinal properties of dates to combat various diseases and exhaustion of the body. It is known that on one water and dried fruits a person can live very long, since their unique composition is 85% carbohydrates.

In the first month of the date when breastfeeding a newborn is better not to eat at all or to try with caution and not immediately after birth, despite all their benefits. After all the organism of a crumb is not ready to face at once with set of unfamiliar ingredients entering into mother's milk.

As soon as the baby is older, the mother can gradually introduce into her diet useful dates that, when lactated, improve the quality of milk. The fact that these fruits contain natural sugar in large quantities - this is sucrose, fructose and glucose. They increase the calorie content of milk, making it more nutritious. It is not for nothing that the fetus is prescribed to people with loss of strength, appetite and to strengthen the body after the disease.

The dates contain unique amino acids, which are not found in any other fruit. The complex of microelements and vitamins allows the young mother to feel cheerful and full of energy. Dates improve the work of the digestive system (in remission), treat cough, have a positive effect on sleep, mood, and reduce high blood pressure naturally.

How to choose the right dates?

We learned that dates can be consumed during breastfeeding, it remains only to figure out what to buy. It is best to choose dates with a stone, since the probability of processing such a smallest. Fruits should be brown, because a light shade indicates that the dates were collected unripe.

The skin of the fruit should have a smooth, not too wrinkled texture and without greasy luster or white spots. If the fruits are cracked - then probably they dried for too long, violating the technological process.

It does not matter whether the dates will be used when lactating or at the end of it - in any case before use, they are thoroughly washed with warm water.