Wings in the multivark

Chicken wings can be prepared in various ways, but they always turn out to be tender, soft and deliciously tasty. We offer you a few simple, but original recipes for cooking wings in a multivark.

Wings baked in a multivark


For sauce:


Let's figure out how to cook wings in a multivark. So, the meat is well washed and dried with a paper towel. If desired, you can cut the wings on the joints into two parts.

Now we prepare the sauce: in a separate container mix melted honey, add seasoning curry , throw salt and a little ground pepper to taste. Mass carefully knead and smear her chicken wings.

Then put them in a saucepan, cover with a lid, or tighten the film and send it for a couple of hours to the refrigerator. The longer our wings are missed, the more delicious they will turn out.

In the multivark, we set the "Baking" mode and melt a piece of butter in it. Then gently fold the wings into the bowl of the appliance and cook for about an hour, periodically turning the meat to make it homogeneous golden color. Finished wings carefully shift from the multivarka to a dish and served on a table with young potatoes or fresh vegetables.

Wings in beer in the multivark



Consider another, how to fry the wings in the multivark. Chicken wings thoroughly washed under running water, remove the remains of feathers and dry with a paper towel. If the wings are large enough in size, then cut them along the tendons into smaller parts. Then we shift the meat into the bowl of the multivark and fill it with dark beer so that it covers the wings by about 2/3. Season with salt, pepper, add spice to taste. Now close the device with a lid and prepare the dish, setting the "Plov" mode to the sound signal. Ready fried wings carefully shift from the multivarka to the dish and served on the table with sour cream or any sauce.

Wings with potatoes in the multivark



Wings are well washed, remove all unnecessary, salt, pepper, put a little mayonnaise and home sharp adzhika . We mix the meat and leave for a few hours to marinate. Small fresh potatoes are washed, cleaned and left whole. Now in the bowl of the multivarka pour a little vegetable oil, spread the pickled wings, top with potatoes, salt and season with ground pepper to taste. Fill all the remains of the sauce with marinade, close the lid of the device, install the program "Baking" and time for 40 - 50 minutes. After a sound signal we take out the dish and serve wings with potatoes in a hot form, together with fresh vegetables and greens.

The recipe for chicken wings in the multivark



We turn on the multivark, put the program "Baking", pour into the bowl of the oil and spread the chicken wings. Fry them on one side for about 20 minutes. Then turn over, put a little salted and put the apple-cut into slices. We close the device again and prepare it before the end of the program.

This time we are preparing the sauce: mix honey in the bowl, soy sauce, mustard and ketchup. Fill with a mixture of our wings, put the program "Pilaf", and prepare the signal.