Compatibility with biorhythms

If you compare the biorhythms of different people in most cases, you can understand why some do not agree with the characters and do not find a common language during communication. Everything consists in biorhythms in a person's life, and each of them has their own and if people are compatible their communication will deliver only positive emotions. But not everyone has an idea of ​​what it is, but after all, using our calculator and substituting the dates of your birth and your second half, you can easily calculate compatibility for biorhythms.

As you know, there are several types of compatibility, namely:

  1. Compatibility based on sexual attraction. It is considered the lowest level, since harmony in bed can not make the relationship long and stable.
  2. The next kind is when people are satisfied not only with their intimate life, but also with common interests. A man and a woman experience, together, a sense of stability and comfort.
  3. The third kind provides for the predominance of emotions. Such a pair, in order not to fall into a routine, regularly looks for a source of positive energy in each other. Between such a man and a woman, a harmonious and lasting alliance is possible, but sooner or later there will be a need for feelings.
  4. The fourth kind is compatibility, at the level of love. People together solve all their problems, and their union is very strong.
  5. The unions of the latter kind are created between people who can see the beauty of the surrounding world. Such marriages are very durable and durable, and even if they break up, the partners remain friends.

Biorhythms in human life

As we can see, there are several types of compatibility, but it's impossible to understand what exactly is between you and your partner, which is why there are special formulas that allow you to calculate the compatibility of biorhythms.

We propose to calculate the biological rhythms by the most famous formula indicated here. Everyone who wants to literally within a few minutes can perform a calculation of any biorhythm in his own life or calculate the compatibility of biorhythms at once for two people. In this matter, the correct sequence of calculation of biorhythms plays an important role. We recommend that you study the formula in detail, try to calculate separately for yourself, study the result, and then proceed to the issue of compatibility .

The calculation of biorhythms by the date of birth is carried out on the basis of the following formula:

B = (sin (2pi * t / P)) * 100% where P = {23,28,33}

Each of the letter values ​​is a specific parameter, namely:

pi is the number π, which is 3.14

t is the number of days that have passed from the date of birth to the present

P - represents the phase of biorhythm

Accordingly, you can check these data and calculate the biorhythms in the life of a fictitious person, for example, Alexei Fedorov whose date of birth is April 28, 1984 (31 years).

Today: September 8, 2015. To calculate the number of days, it is better to use an ordinary calculator, calculating the difference between today's date and the date of birth.

Calculating all the letter values, you just need to insert them into the formula B = (sin (2pi * t / P)) * 100% and you will find all three biorhythms. Numbers must be rounded to the nearest hundredths.

If a person calculates biorhythms with compatibility or their own, takes into account their influence on their lives, in this case it is very important that there are no errors.