Sun God

In ancient times polytheism was quite popular. To each inexplicable phenomenon people gave a certain patron and already through it explained, for example, rain, a storm at sea and sunset. The sun god for many people had a special significance and often he was among the three most important patrons. To bring gifts and express their worship, people built temples, celebrated holidays, in general, in all possible ways, they showed their respect.

The God of the Sun Ra in Egypt

Ra for the Egyptians was the most significant deity. People believed that it provides immortality to the entire state. Ra is a many-faced god and his appearance was different, considering the city, the era and even the time of the day. For example, during the day of this god was most often depicted as a man with a solar disk on his head. In some cases he had the head of a falcon. Ra could accept the lion or jackal. Symbolizing the rising sun, Ra was portrayed as a small child or calf. At night, the sun god was represented by a man with a ram's head or a ram. According to the depiction of the god Ra, his names could also change. He had a non-replaceable attribute - Ankh, represented by a cross with a loop. This symbol had a special significance for Egypt and this topic still causes debate among scientists. Another important sign is the eye of the sun god. He was depicted on buildings, temples, tombs, boats and so on. During the day, Ra travels along the celestial river on the boat of Mantjet, and in the evening he transplanted to another ship Mesektet and descends to the underworld. The Egyptians believed that there he fights with the dark forces and, having won, returns to heaven in the morning.

God of the sun in Roman mythology

Apollo was responsible for the sun and art, he was also called Feobos. In addition, he was the patron of medicine, archery and prophecy. His father was Zeus. Despite the fact that he was the god of the sun, he still has a dark side. Represented him in the guise of a beautiful young man with a manly figure and with golden hair developing in the wind. His attributes were bow and lyre. As for the symbolic plant, for Apollo, this is the laurel. The sacred birds of this god were the white swans. As already mentioned, the sun god could also manifest negative features of his character , for example, vindictiveness and cruelty. That's why he was often associated with a crow, a snake and a wolf.

Helios the sun god

His parents were the titans Hyperion and Theia. They portrayed him as a handsome man with a powerful torso. His sparkling eyes also stood out. On his head he had a radiant crown or helmet, and he was clothed in shining garments. His place of residence was considered the eastern shore of the Ocean. He moved across the sky on a golden chariot drawn by four winged horses. His movement was directed to the west bank, where his other palace was located. In Asia Minor, many statues were dedicated to Helios.

The pagan sun god

Horse, Yarilo and Dazhdbog personified one of the aspects of the sun. The first god was responsible for the winter luminary, the second - for the spring, and the third - for the summer. The Slavs considered Horsa a man whose face always had a smile and a slight blush. His clothes looked like clouds. Yarilo was a young guy, who was decorated with the first spring flowers. Dazhdbog in the view of the Slavs was a hero, dressed in armor, and in his hands had a spear and shield.

Scandinavian sun god

Salt was the personification of the sun. Because of his excessive pride, other gods sent him to heaven. He moved on a chariot drawn by four golden horses. His head was surrounded by sunlight. Scandinavians believed that he was constantly pursued by wolf-giants and one of them eventually swallowed him. This happened before the death of the world.