What if there is no milk after childbirth?

As you know, the most valuable product for a child in the first days of his life is breast milk. However, many women face such a problem when there is no milk after childbirth. It is not necessary in this case to panic, often experiences are unfounded. Let's look at the reasons and possible solutions to this problem.

Why little milk after delivery?

In the first three days after childbirth, when milk has not yet come, colostrum starts to appear from the breast, which is even more useful and nutritious product. Colostrum contains a large amount of protein, so that the baby is quickly saturated, and the enzymes and minerals that make up it contribute to the easy escape of the meconium from the intestine. In addition, there is very little fat in the colostrum, which facilitates the work of the newborn's ventricle.

After 3-5 days, young mothers no longer worry about the question of why there is no milk after delivery, since during this period, the production of transitional milk begins, which contains less protein and more fat. This process, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. About a week later, the mammary glands begin to actively produce mature milk. Do not worry about its large number, because in the process of breastfeeding it will come in line with the needs of the baby.

Often happens such, that milk after sorts is not enough. This situation can be corrected by properly adjusting breastfeeding. To begin with, let's talk about how to dissolve milk after childbirth. This can be done by hand, or with the help of a breast pump . After each feeding, you need to express the remaining milk. The more often you do, the faster and in greater quantities milk is produced.

If you express the milk by hand, then start the procedure with a light massage of the breast, then, lightly pressing, stroke the breast towards the nipples and decant the milk. In addition, this procedure will help prevent lactostasis.

It happens that even such procedures do not have a positive effect on the appearance of milk after childbirth. In this case, you can resort to additional measures. You can increase lactation with herbal infusions. With this task, decoctions of herbs: fennel, melissa, dill, mint, and dogrose are excellent. In addition, it is useful to drink green tea with milk .

How to cause milk after childbirth?

Here are some useful recommendations on how to induce milk after delivery.

  1. Try to put the baby to the chest for each requirement. This must be done alternately, applying to both mammary glands.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, it can be water, tea or infusions of herbs.
  3. Do not interrupt feeding at night by replacing milk with water. In the period from 2 to 4 o'clock in the morning there is an active production of hormones oxytocin and prolactin, which contribute to increased lactation.
  4. Eat right. The lack of necessary vitamins and minerals in the diet of a nursing mother is one of the reasons for the lack of milk after childbirth.
  5. Learn to put the baby to the breast correctly. Before you start feeding, that the child occupies a correct position - turn it to yourself not only with your head, but with the whole body. Maintain the baby in such a way that his shoulders and head rest on your hand. During feeding, you should not have any pain, and the child must completely grasp the nipple.

And, finally, advice to future mothers - do not worry about whether there will be milk after childbirth. Carrying out all the above recommendations, you can easily get breastfeeding, providing your baby with a reliable protection for its immunity and a guarantee of full development!