Aspirin for the face

Aspirin is one of the most popular drugs. Many people with pain in the head remember this medicine in the first place. But apart from the fact that Aspirin relieves pain, it is also useful for the face. Cosmetologists have recognized the medicine for a long time. It can be added to masks or used in pure form.

Benefits of Aspirin for facial skin

The main active ingredient in Aspirin is salicylic acid. This substance can have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. That's why pills are recommended for women with problem skin. In this case, holders of other types of epidermis based on acetylsalicylic acid are also suitable.

In addition to eliminating inflammation, Aspirin for the face can provide such useful actions:

Regular cleansing of the face with Aspirin makes the skin smoother and more tender. Also cosmetic products with the addition of the drug increase the elasticity and elasticity of the epidermis.

How to use Aspirin to cleanse the face?

It is not necessary to spend time preparing an aspirin mask. If you want to improve your complexion and refresh your skin a little, it's enough to take one tablet - clean, without a shell - to drop water on it and put it on a cotton pad. When Aspirin turns into gruel, rub your face with a swab. Continue to make a circular movement for about three minutes. This is the simplest and at the same time effective scrub!

Honey Facial Scrub with Aspirin

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and application

Tablets put on the bottom of the container and drip on them with water. When they swell, add honey and mix everything until smooth. If the scrub turns out to be too thick, dilute it with a little water. On the epidermis, apply the product in a circular motion. A wash it in about ten minutes.

Mask-peeling for the face with Aspirin

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and application

From the citrus juice squeeze. Mix it with pills. Must get a thick paste. The finished product is applied to the pimple and after drying it is removed with a soda solution.

If necessary, the mask can not be cooked. Just put the Aspirin tablet on the inflammation.