What can be planted in June?

As you know, spring is a responsible and very important spring for a good garden gardener. How else, because it is in the spring that you need to prepare the beds and in time to plant all the desired crops. But what to do, if it's June already, and there are empty beds in the garden? What can be planted in June to get, albeit belated, but such an important crop? The answer to this question is in our article.

What to plant in June in the garden?

So, what can you fill the beds in the beginning of summer? When choosing plants, it is necessary to pay attention, first of all, to the climatic features of a particular locality. It's no secret that in different regions of our country, June can be both very hot and cold-rainy. But, however it may be, June is a month with a long light day, and plants for planting, accordingly, need to choose light-loving, well-developing and forming the ovary precisely in conditions of a long daylight day. For example, in the beginning of June you can plant beets and carrots, corn and beans, turnips, greens (salad, parsley and dill). In greenhouses, you can plant seedlings of tomatoes , eggplants, peppers and cucumbers. Experienced gardener know that the end of June, and even more so in the middle, the time when you can still plant potatoes, zucchini, squash and zucchini. And certainly not worth the hurry with planting such a plant as fennel, planted which is not early in the end of June.

What flowers to plant in June?

For flower lovers, it is June that becomes the most intense month, when it comes time to plant a lot of one- and perennial flowers. Until the middle of the month, such warmly and capricious plants are planted in open flower beds, like amaranth, balsam, petunia, zinnia, begonia and koleus. Excellent march and flower in time, sown in June, marigolds and nasturtium, kosmeya and calendula, godets. What perennials to plant in June? Yes, in principle, any, you just need to consider that flowering from them before next year will not have to wait. For example, you can plant a rod-rose, a Turkish carnation and a viola, pansies and foxglove, gladioluses.

What you can put in June - useful advice

While doing planting works in June, it should be borne in mind that most plants at this time will find it difficult to adapt to life in the open ground. Therefore, so that the works are not wasted, when planting it is necessary to observe the following rules: