Ripsalis - home care

As is known, ripsalis is a kind of cacti , but very unusual. They have no thorns at all, and instead of leaves they have long, branchy stem-tubules. Cactus ripsalis is grown most often as an ampel plant, which looks very nice. That's how they grow in their homeland, in the forests of Brazil, hanging from tropical trees. Flowers in ripsalis are of different colors: white and pink, orange and yellow, of different sizes. There are the following types of ripsalis: Barchel, Gobelian, Lindberg, hairy, curly, rounded, furry, thick-winged, elliptical and others.

Care for the cactus of the genus ripsalis

Ripsalis - unpretentious plant. Care for him is simple, you just need to observe the following basic rules.

It is best to put the pot with the plant in semi-shade or in diffuse light, but at the same time avoiding the bright rays of the sun. Although cacti and love high temperatures, but ripsalis in this matter is an exception: he prefers heat rather than heat. The ideal temperature for the content of this plant is 18-20 ° C in summer and 12-16 ° C in winter. In summer, take out the cactus on the balcony.

Watering should be abundant, but only in spring and summer, during flowering. During this period, you need to feed the plant twice a month, which stimulates its growth and flowering. Also do not forget about frequent spraying - ripsalys they are very fond of. Since autumn and watering, and top dressing ripsalisa should be reduced, in winter, water slightly until 1 time per month. In winter, a cactus needs good lighting and coolness.

Transplant ripsalys if necessary. With a good growth, they need a transplant every 3 or 4 years. Choose for cacti shallow pots, you can hanging. A distinctive feature in the transplantation of ripsalis is the caution with which the plant needs to be moved, since both the stems and the root system are fragile enough. The soil for planting should be neutral or slightly acidic. You can mix peat with large sand and garden land, or buy a specialized soil mixture for cacti. It is extremely important that it is loose.

The cactus ripsalis reproduces very simply - cuttings. It is necessary to break the stalk with 2-3 segments, dry it and move it to moist soil or even to sand. Ripsalis takes root very quickly. If you provide cactus with proper care at home, then ripsalis will grow rapidly and bloom beautifully.