How to grow a pomegranate from a stone?

It turns out that in nature there are not only giant grenades, but also grenades Lilliputians. Is it possible to grow such a grenade at home? Of course. He will feel great on the windowsill of any city apartment. And despite the fact that the growth of this crumb does not exceed 1 m, it, as well as its giant congeners, blossoms and fructifies. And how to grow such a home grenade from a bone, and will be discussed below.

Where are garnets grown?

But before you do gardening on the windowsill, let's see where the real garnet is grown. This is useful for a better understanding of the habitat of the plant and the nuances of caring for it.

So, a grainy apple (this is another name for a pomegranate) grows almost all over the globe. Rather, in places with a tropical and subtropical climate. It is grown in Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, Italy, France, and even in Russia in the Krasnodar Territory. The pomegranate is a unpretentious plant, but it also has its own small claims. First, he is very light-loving. If the sun is not enough, then neither the giant nor the baby will bloom and bear fruit. Secondly, this plant likes abundant watering and sprinkling. And, thirdly, the soil for the pomegranate should be loose, contain sand and organic matter, be well ventilated and drained. And now let's return to the miniature hero of our article and see how to grow a pomegranate from a bone on your own window sill.

How to grow a pomegranate at home?

To begin with, it should be noted that pomegranate baby and pomegranate in the usual sense are two completely different varieties. Grow, blossom and bear fruit on the windowsill - the prerogative of only the Lilliputian plant. From the stone of the giant tree will also grow, but the joy in the form of flowers and fruits from it can not wait. And now the process itself:

  1. Cooking the land. As already mentioned above, the land for a home grenade should be loose, sandy, with good aeration and drainage. It is prepared from sand, peat and humus, taken in equal parts. If you can not prepare the soil on your own, buy a substrate for the lemon and mix it with ordinary earth from your yard.
  2. Dishes. Now two words about the pot. For planting grain is not required large volumes. If there are plants growing in such soil in the home garden, the seed can be firstly populated and to them. Well, if you still want individuality for the future tree, then choose a vessel with a diameter of not more than 10 cm and the same height.
  3. Landing. And now the most interesting. Well moisten the soil in the pot, grab the seed and deepen it to 0, 5 cm. The main thing is that the planting material is moist, that is, the seed must be in the pulp, otherwise nothing will come out. Of course, We will plant a few seeds, but we should keep in mind their high germination. Out of 5 planted seeds, 4 will germinate exactly.

On the pot, put on a plastic bag, beforehand, piercing a few holes for ventilation. In the resulting greenhouse, this subtropical climate will be created, which is necessary for the germination and strengthening of a small tree.

It can ascend in 2-3 weeks, especially if planted in early March or late August. But the seeds, planted in late September, do not show, oddly enough, until the very spring. So, if your garnet does not puncture, do not worry, but just wait until the first March days.

When 2-3 present leaflets are formed on the plant, the polyethylene hotbed should be removed, the growth should be fed and periodically sprinkled with warm water. Everything has been started, now your garnet will grow and gain strength.