How to strengthen the muscles?

There are many different ways to strengthen the muscles of the body. At the moment, something more effective than regular sessions of the dispute did not come up. In one training it is important to load two or three muscle groups. You need to start with the development of the weakest areas of the body.

How to strengthen the abdominal muscles after childbirth?

After pregnancy, the abdominal muscles suffer the most, as they become weak and lose elasticity. Well, the muscles of the abdomen are strengthened by yoga, most importantly, to choose for the beginning the most simple asanas . You can also perform the following exercises to correct the situation:

  1. Sit on your back and bend your knees. At a deep inspiration, you must try to strain the pelvic muscles as hard as possible. The task is to slowly raise the navel in this position, and then pull inward.
  2. Sit on the couch, legs bend in the knees, and put a pillow under your head. As much as possible, pull the lower abdominal muscles, stay for a couple of seconds, and then bend forward.

How to strengthen the muscles?

Consider several exercises that allow you to train at the same time different muscle groups:

  1. Stand at some distance from the wall and rest your back on it. Sit down and throw your left foot on your right knee. Hands bend at right angles and press them against the wall. Without lifting your hands, pull them forward. Do 12 repetitions on each leg.
  2. Stand in the bar, but stop in the wall at the level of the pelvis. The task is to alternately pull up to him, then the right, then the left knee. It is recommended to perform the exercise at a fast pace.

It will also be interesting to know which muscles strengthen walking. If you walk uphill, then the muscles of the thighs and calves receive a load. Walking backwards allows you to load your back and buttocks. If you walk with your knees bent, you can develop the muscles of the press.