Why is not the garden hydrangea blooming?

Hydrangeas or hydrangeas garden belong to the amazingly beautiful and pyshnotsvetuschim plants, which very effectively look in the suburban areas, flowerbeds. These beauties can reach a height of up to one and a half meters! And a single hydrangea, and the composition of several bushes in the garden will always delight the magnificent inflorescences of different colors. This is favored not only by the variety of shades of globose and corymbose inflorescences, but also by the shape of the flowers themselves. In the center of the flower ball there are flowers of the female type, and larger and bright men's, which consist of four or five enlarged sepals, decorate the edges. In addition, this plant can be not only a shrub, but a small tree, and even a creeper. The possibilities of site design with the help of hydrangeas are endless!

Usually the period of flowering hydrangeas lasts from the end of spring and until the beginning of autumn. But sometimes gardeners who planted this plant a few years ago, do not wait for the appearance of the inflorescence. It happens that hydrangea blooms badly, and why - it is unknown.

The reasons for the absence of flowering

Before you look for reasons that explain why the hydrangea garden does not bloom, and decide what to do, you need to know about some of the features of the species. Thus, treelike and paniculate hydrangeas are very demanding on the conditions of detention. In addition, young plants will not form inflorescences until they gain strength, but lasts for years. It is difficult to say exactly what year the hydrangea blooms after planting, because the quality of the soil, the level of illumination, and the regularity of irrigation are important.

In most cases this plant does not flower because its root system is not yet sufficiently developed. If you bought a flowering bush, dropped it on the site, and the flowering smoothly descended to "no", do not be surprised. Unfair sellers often use growth stimulants in order to make the hydrangea bloom. As a rule, two more years after such forced flowering plants do not release inflorescence, gaining strength.

The second reason is incorrect pruning of plants. Old varieties of large-leaf garden hydrangeas produce inflorescences in the upper part of the shoots, which grew last year. If you have not bothered to cover the bush for frost for the winter and prepare for the winter , then these shoots due to frost will have to be removed. It is quite natural that in the flowering season your hydrangea will not please with magnificent inflorescences. Moreover, it will not bloom for several years to come.

Pruning should be done at the end of October. At the same time, several pairs of young kidneys are left on the shoots. In spring, these young shoots are shortened again, so that the flowering is more lush.

The bud of hydrangea buds of the garden occurs in the autumn. If in the beginning of spring, when they begin to wake up, they will freeze, then they will freeze. It is not recommended to remove cover from the bush until the air temperature at night is set at -5 and above degrees.

The hometown of hydrangeas is Central Asia, where the climate differs from the native one. When buying plants in stores, pay attention to varieties that are well acclimatized for our natural conditions. The fact is that the heat-loving hydrangea may simply not be in time in our short summer to lay new flower buds, so there will be no blossoms for the next year.

Providing hydrangea garden proper care , you will have an excellent ornament in the garden, and fragrant luxuriant inflorescences will delight the eye for a long time. Let your hydrangea bloom as much as you want!