Diseases of the currant

Currant - this is one of the few fruit and berry crops, which has a huge amount of different vitamins and nutrients that our body needs so much. In addition, due to its unpretentiousness, this plant easily acclimatizes to any garden site. However, it should be noted that such useful and tasty berry is loved not only by people - quite often currant is exposed to invasion of various pests. It is about them that will be discussed in this article, as well as on what measures should be taken in the fight against this or that pest of currant and what should be treated with currants to protect it from these malicious pests.

The Mite

This is one of the most dangerous pests of currants. The tick, having a microscopic amount, is introduced into the buds of the plant, which causes their swelling. And in one kidney there can be about a thousand such individuals. Damaged large and round buds can easily be seen on the bare branches of a currant in the fall, after the fall of the foliage, or in the spring before it blossoms. Naturally, such kidneys do not open, but gradually die and wither.

Spider mite

In spring, when buds begin to bud, female mites climb the currant and damage the opening leaves. As a result, the leaves of the plant are covered with small yellow spots, and in the case of a strong infection, they stop growing and dry up.

Large currant aphid

When this pest is present, the top leaves of currant shoots are twisted and wrinkled, and on the lower side of them you can see a large number of light green insects.

Sheet gall midges

The main sign of such pests is the presence of mutilated and shriveled leaves, which, as a rule, may appear in the last month of spring. The larva of leaf gall midges lives in twisted young leaves and, scraping the upper peel, feeds on their juices.

Esophageal gall midges

The larvae of the shoot gall midges live under the bark of the currant stalks, which leads to annular death of the cortex on the affected shoots. As a result of their action, a considerable number of branches or a whole bush may die.

Currant glasscane

This butterfly in the spring lays eggs on the buds of the plant. The newly born caterpillars begin to penetrate into the branches and eat out their core. Damaged branches of the currant wither and wither.

Black-currant berry sawfly

Its larvae develop within the fruit and feed on their contents. The affected berries of the currant significantly increase in size, have a characteristic ribbed shape and, as a rule, are painted much earlier.


These are sucking insects that feed on the juices of the bark of shoots and branches, which leads to their gradual withering away. Usually, a currant is damaged by a willow scabbard or a false fence.

How to deal with pests of currants?

Basically, pests of currants spread with planting material, so it is important to acquire layers from obviously healthy plants.

An elementary method of protection of currant from pests is loosening of the soil during the summer, as well as autumn digging. Affected branches with a scutellum, mites or gall midges must be cut and burned. With a mild infestation of the kidney mite, it is effective to pluck out the swollen kidneys before flowering. If the larvae of the sawflies appeared on the currant, the affected berries must be collected and destroyed. An effective method of protection against pests is also is the treatment of early spring currant with hot water (+ 70 ° C).

How to spray currants from pests?

To combat various pests, after the flowering period and before the ripening of currant berries, bushes are sprayed with infusion of onion husk , broths of tobacco, wormwood, as well as biological preparations Agravertin or Fitoverm. But sometimes, one has to resort to the use of chemicals, such as a solution of chlorophos, carbofos, colloidal sulfur, keltan or nitrafen. When using chemicals, it is important to follow the attached instructions and dilute the drugs in the recommended proportions.