Preparing the blackberry for winter

Blackberry is a beautiful garden plant with large, fragrant, sweet fruits. It perfectly resists all kinds of pests and diseases, roots well and quickly begins to bear fruit, sometimes 2-3 times per season. But the cold winters of blackberries are not very good, and if you want to grow these bushes without losses, you need to properly prepare it for the winter.

For the most part, among the gardeners are widespread varieties of binge blackberry , and in the article we will consider the preparation for winter of such plants.

Preparing the blackberry for winter - pruning

This phase is mandatory for the proper preparation of the blackberry for winter. So, how to properly cut the blackberry in the fall?

Crop must be all the fertilized biennial shoots, as well as extra young branches, leading to unnecessary thickening of the bush. It is also recommended to pinch the crowns of annual stems. This helps to ensure that they do not grow in length, but give more lateral processes.

Very old shoots need to be cut as short as possible - under the root. Otherwise, the remaining stumps during the wintering will accommodate various pests.

After pruning, all cut branches and shoots should be immediately removed from the site and burned to prevent the spread of possible diseases.

Preparing the blackberry for winter is a shelter

If you live in a cold climate zone, the blackberry, especially the one that grows you have the first year on the site, during the preparation for the winter you need to cover.

How to hide the blackberry in the autumn for the winter: first sprinkle the ground under the bushes with sawdust and peat. This will keep the roots from frosts and aridity. Next, you need to tie the stems into bundles and bend to the ground like raspberries. As a shelter for a blackberry fit: