How to deal with a wireworm on a potato in the fall?

While outside the window are the last warm days, the summer owner has to work actively and hard. Autumn preparation beds for the new season lasts until frost, and begin immediately after harvesting. Below we will touch on the issue of how to deal with wireworm on potatoes in the fall.

How to destroy a wireworm on a potato with the help of additives in the soil?

The first way to solve this problem is to add various additives to the soil, where the potato planting is planned. There is much debate around the issue of the harm and benefit of the autumn digging. If previously all summer residents did not even finish the dacha season without this procedure, today many refuse to dig. As for our question, just deep digging with the addition of different substances becomes an excellent prevention of the problem.

The simplest method, how to get a wireworm from potatoes right away for several years, is to saturate the earth. About once every seven years, the cleaned area is sprinkled with salt, then dig. Strangely enough, but the problem is really solved for a long time. In addition, after such a deep digging, all larvae, if they were shelved, simply freeze from frost.

There is an excellent option how to save potatoes from wireworms, with the help of ash additives. Ash and Cretaceous top dressing will not only relieve the wire, but also prevent the appearance of many other adult pests and their offspring.

A real poison from a wireworm in potatoes can be called potassium chloride. In the autumn digging it is made according to the instructions on the package. This method will solve the problem for about two to three years. You can do a digging without any additives, but sprinkle lime after it just by the site. When the snow falls, they will help the lime penetrate into the soil. But we must understand that even such almost folk remedies from wireworms on potatoes can not be called completely safe. For example, liming soil even though solves the problem, but can adversely affect the quality of the crop.

How to save potatoes from wireworm siderates?

Ciderates have already become the norm for many summer residents. They not only solve the problems with the quality of the soil, but also contribute to the repelling of many pests. Here and this time, the siderates will be companions of gardener in the war with the wireworm.

Your task is to drop the mustard on the site after harvesting. Until the frost should remain at least a month and a half, so that the planting had time to proklyutsya and grow. Sow will be at a depth of one and a half centimeters, allowed in rows or a solid carpet. We will feed the mustard with the solution of the preparation "Baikal EM-1". All this will solve the pest issue, as well as enrich the earth with nutrients and trace elements. As soon as the mustard has grown by 20 cm, it can be cut and embedded in the soil.

How to deal with wireworm on potatoes in the fall bait?

Far not always it turns out to use a poison from a wireworm in a potato, therefore it is necessary to search for an alternative even before the beginning of a season of landings. The trap or bait is completely safe and quite effective solution of the issue. In autumn we will use the tops and straw.

The fact is that the beetle must necessarily postpone the larvae and create favorable conditions for the new generation. As a rule, for such a case, he chooses a thicket of wheat grass . There, he has enough conditions for a successful wintering. Therefore, your task is to thoroughly cleanse your site from wheatgrass permanently. But heaps of straw or tops will be a home for the wireworm. As soon as frosts come, all the bunches with baits are collected and burned without regrets. So you will not let a new generation appear on your site with the arrival of heat.