How to trim a cherry in the summer?

An integral part of caring for fruit trees is the regular pruning of branches. This is necessary in order to properly form the crown, increase yield, prevent the development of diseases. In order not to damage the plant itself, it is only necessary to do it at a certain time and knowing which branches can be removed and which ones are not.

Cherry simply needs to cut the crown every year. This will help her to fight diseases, will increase yields and increase the size of berries, as sunlight and air will calmly circulate in the tree. This procedure should be carried out at a time when the plant is in a state of complete rest (winter or early spring), but experienced gardeners recommend repeating it even after harvesting. Do we need to cut off the branches of cherries in the summer and when it can be done, we will tell in our article.

Is it possible to prune cherry branches in summer?

Despite the fact that the tree is not at rest, pruning can be done. During this period, this procedure is prophylactic or therapeutic. After all, if you notice signs of withering away, do not wait until winter to remove them. In this case, the disease can not only destroy this plant, but also infect adjacent trees.

Summer pruning of unnecessary branches prevents the development of such a disease, as the milky shine, which often infects cherries.

How to properly cut a cherry in the summer?

First of all, it is necessary to know that summer pruning can be carried out only by adults (after 5 years), since the seedlings can begin to ache after the removal of green branches.

If you get rid of diseased branches, to prevent infection spreading throughout the tree, the used tool should be disinfected after each cut.

When thinning the crown, you should follow the same recommendations as for the winter one, that is, you need to get rid of crossed and unfruitful branches.