Protein - side effects

People who are not well-versed in sports and sports nutrition tend to believe that the protein produces side effects in huge amounts, is very harmful, and generally can be considered no less harmful than steroids. However, educated people who understand what protein is and what they make of it know that this is just a myth supported by those who simply do not understand this question.

Are there any side effects in sports nutrition, namely protein?

To understand the answer to this question, you need to accurately imagine what a protein is. Protein is the second name of the protein. Protein, along with carbohydrates and fats, is one of the components of food. In other words, the protein in sports nutrition is the same protein from meat, whey (milk), or eggs. The difference is that in sports nutrition it is purified, isolated and has no impurities and the form of fats and carbohydrates, which is extremely rare in food.

The athlete needs more protein than the average person, since protein is the building material for muscles, and its use directly affects the strength, endurance and muscle growth. To get a sufficient amount of protein from food, you need to eat large amounts, because the protein in the food contains not too much. Instead, you can just take sports nutrition, which has all the same advantages as conventional protein products. Due to the fact that the protein comes in a purified form, the body absorbs it faster, and it immediately begins to work on muscle recovery.

Thus, the side effects of the protein for women and men will be the same as when consumed, for example, meat or eggs, that is, will be absent.

Protein - side effects and effects on the potency

Some people who have heard about the deterioration of the potency of those men who took steroid anabolics believe that whey protein produces such a side effect. However, steroid drugs are hormonal, which explains their influence. A protein is just protein . And he can not influence this sphere in any way.

What are the side effects of the protein?

Harm protein can cause only those people who do not want to use protein in general. This group includes those who suffer from kidney disease. There is an opinion that proteins are capable of causing diseases in this sphere, but it has been scientifically established that the doses taken by bodybuilders can not lead to such an effect.

In some cases, the reception of proteins helped to identify the kidney disease, which was already in man, but did not show up, since the load of the organ was small. Another option is to identify kidney disease, to which there was a hereditary predisposition. There is not a single case when a protein would cause some disease of this sphere by the fact of its use.

It is worth noting that even if the kidney problem is detected during the procedure, it is completely reversible and does not lead to serious consequences.

There are studies that show that in some cases whey protein causes acne, however this is usually associated with taking very large doses.

For men, soy protein is undesirable because it contains phytoestrogen, a natural substitute for the female hormone. This can cause causative adverse effects and allergic reactions. However, it has already been proved that soy protein has a low biological value, and therefore its use is undesirable.