European marsh turtle

One of the most convenient in all respects among pets is considered to be turtles. They do not make loud and sharp sounds, do not shed or scatter their wool around the apartment, and places take up very little. It is enough to learn the right care and no problems. If you need to buy special lamps and fodder for the maintenance of special decorative species, the content of the European swamp turtle does not require any special forces from you.

European turtle turtle: what to feed?

The first thing that every owner of this kind of pets faces is feeding. How and how to feed the turtle? In its natural habitat, the turtle eats fish, shellfish, insect larvae and worms, as well as frogs and plants. For keeping in the home environment as a feed, you can offer low-fat river fish, beef or veal, earthworms and squid. As for the food of plant origin, then let's use lettuce, cabbage and dandelions. But it should be remembered that vegetable food should be offered only to adults.

In the diet must include vitamins. Their source is fresh beef liver, but you can give it no more than once a week. To make up for the need for calcium, offer the pet a fish with small bones or snails.

Instead of natural ones, you can also give ready-made vitamins in cans. They are sold in every pet shop in the reptile department. There you can buy ready-made dry food. For the European turtle turtle emys orbicularis only Nutrafin and Reptomin will do. These are special feeds for aquatic turtles with a balanced composition and substances that are necessary for the growth and development of a reptile. When caring for a European swamp turtle, it is important not only what you will feed it, but also the process of making food. Before feeding it is better to immediately put the pet in a separate basin with water. There is a European swamp turtle can only in the water. To improve the digestion of food, the water temperature should be within 32-34 ° C. Transplantation into a separate container is also necessary in order to avoid strong contamination of the aquarium.

European turtle turtle: care

Although this domestic pet does not need special conditions of detention, some rules will have to be observed. At home, the turtle will have to be kept in an aquarium, the terrarium will not work. Remember that these are quite active animals, so you need to buy a large and high aquarium for at least a hundred liters.

It is necessary to equip the land area with a gentle descent into the water. In the area of ​​land, there must be a source of light and heat. Suitable heat lamp for 60 volts or more. We arrange it at a height of 30 cm, this is to ensure a temperature of about 35 ° C, in the rest of the world the temperature should not exceed 26 ° C.

To produce vitamin D, you will have to install a UV lamp. This will promote the absorption of calcium. The aquatic part of the aquarium should have a depth of at least half the breadth of the pet's frame. It is better to immediately think about the location in such a way that the turtle could swim.

Faeces and urine pollute the water in a very short time, so you will have to clean often. If the pet does not mind, you can install a filter. Completely clean out the aquarium will have once a week, and change the water after about a day. As a primer is used pebbles of medium and large sizes, you can expand the stones . But their size should be large enough that the turtle could not swallow. The European swamp turtle is a moving animal and some owners sometimes allow a pet to walk around the house.