Aquarium shrimps - content

To successfully keep aquarium shrimps in your small water society, you need to carefully study their characteristics, although these small residents are not particularly whimsical in their care, but if they are not properly maintained, they can cause a lot of trouble.

Tips for breeding and maintaining aquarium shrimps

The first is water , clean, soft and neutral. Change it at least once a week. The water temperature should be 24-27 ° C, since in the cold, the shrimp slows metabolism, and in the heat, problems with breathing begin.

Create a world in the aquarium that mimics the natural habitat: a soil reminiscent of natural, mosses and ferns - the ideal aquarium plants for shrimp.

In case of shrimp population to fish, be careful. Adult individuals can survive, and the offspring will surely be eaten. Therefore, the breeding of aquarium shrimps is possible separately from such neighbors. And it happens in the period between the moulting of the female. Less trouble with species that do not have a larval stage of development.

Although shrimp and unpretentious, but there are nuances that need to be considered: if you want small creatures for a long time to please you with their health and beauty. Diseases of aquarium shrimps can be caused by fungal and viral infections transmitted by the infected individual, parasites, protozoa and toxins due to malnutrition.

And what do aquarium shrimps eat? In natural reservoirs, their food is bacteria, fungi and algae. This is all there on the rotting pieces of wood, twigs and leaves of plants . Therefore, the bottom of shrimp should not be cleaned too hard. Gradually, there will be formed its microcosm, which will supply food for your pets. They can also be fed with a special feed every two days.