Byzanne in endometriosis

Endometriosis is common among women of childbearing age, a disease in which the endometrial cells spread beyond it.

In this tissue there are changes, manifested by monthly bleeding, leading to an inflammatory process in surrounding tissues.

The exact causes of this disease are not clear. Presumably in the mechanism of disease take part cellular enzymes, receptors for hormones, mutations of genes.

For the treatment of endometriosis, various methods are used, including the conservative one, which is based on the intake of hormonal drugs, normalizing the work of the ovaries and suppressing the growth of endometriotic foci. To such preparations used at therapy of an endometriosis the Byzanne concerns. Its effect is similar to the effect of the contraceptive preparation Jeanine.

Byzantine - the method of application

Under the instruction of a tablet from an endometriosis Vizanna take on one piece, washing down with several sips of water. Take the drug at the same time. Begin the treatment of endometriosis with the drug Byzanne can be any day of the cycle.

After one package of tablets is finished, immediately proceed to receive the next package. There should be no interruptions in taking the drug.

If a woman misses another pill, or after her admission she has vomiting or diarrhea, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced.

If you miss a pill, a woman should drink 1 tablet when she remembers it, and the next day you need to take the pill at the usual time. The same should be done with vomiting or diarrhea.

Contraindications for treatment of endometriosis

The medication against endometriosis of Byzantine does not apply when:

Special instructions for the use of Byzantine

Before prescribing for Byzantine in endometriosis, the doctor should carefully study the woman's medical history and conduct gynecological and physical examinations.

Pregnancy should be excluded. During the period of therapy with this drug, it is recommended that patients use barrier methods of contraception.

When taking Byzanne, many women are suppressed ovulation, although the drug is not a contraceptive. Menstrual cycle, as a rule, is restored within two months after the end of treatment.

The question of using Byzanne in patients who had an ectopic pregnancy , or with abnormalities in the work of the fallopian tubes is decided only after an analysis of the relationship between the benefits of treatment and the presumed risk.

Byzanne can be taken to treat endometriosis and if a woman has fibroids.

It should be borne in mind that there is evidence of an increase in the relative risk of developing malignant breast tumors in women taking combined estrogen-progestational drugs, which include and Byzanne. This risk is reduced only for ten years after the end of the drug.