Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Venereal diseases are transmitted sexually during contact of the mucous membrane infected by the infection, with the mucous partner. After that the pathogen penetrates already deep into the mucous membrane, and through the intact skin the pathogens are not transmitted and through the common objects - too. It is very rare to get infected by domestic means, but all the causative agents of venereal diseases quickly die outside the patient's body, and therefore, with simple hygiene rules, infection through common objects does not occur. Therefore, the prevention of sexual infections is directly related to the method of infection.

Prevention of sexually transmitted infections

Since the main mechanism for the transmission of all sexually transmitted diseases and the AIDS virus remains sexual intercourse, the best prevention is the use of a condom during sex. It is worth remembering that it does not matter which mucous membranes contact during infection, because sexual infections can be infected not only with classical sexual intercourse, but also with orogenital contacts. Yes, and the condom itself can not become a guarantee of safety - there are often cases of tears or slipping of the condom, and in this case, there is enough short-term contact of the mucous for infection.

Emergency measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases

In cases of unprotected intercourse or in violation of the integrity of the condom during it, there are a number of medications for emergency prevention. Medical prophylaxis of venereal diseases can not reliably protect against all sexually transmitted diseases, but some drugs are well suited for the prevention of venereal diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis .

These include solutions of such antiseptics as miramistin, chlorhexidine, solutions of potassium permanganate, silver nitrate, which are treated with mucous after contact, are much less often used in modern treatment. Also, to prevent venereal diseases, pastes or suppositories containing antiseptics, for example, Pharmatex, Patentex oval, which kill both pathogens and spermatozoa, can also be used, because they are sometimes used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. But the reliability of any pharmaceuticals for the prevention of sexual infections is much less than that of a condom.

The best prevention of sexually transmitted diseases has always been and remains sex with one sexual partner, usually in the family. And in full confidence in your partner can only be after a test for sexual infections.