Why do the heels hurt?

The main function of the heel is depreciation, because this part of the body is constantly experiencing serious stress. Quite often when referring to a doctor the patients are worried about the question of why the heels of the legs hurt. The causes of this ailment may be uncomfortable shoes, its low quality, trauma or disease.

Why do my heels hurt?

Feeling of discomfort in the heel indicates the development of certain diseases, which can be determined by the characteristic symptoms.

Plantar fasciitis

The disease is formed as a result of wearing tight flat shoes for a long time. At the same time thickening of the tissues is observed on the entire surface of the foot, which can be complicated by the deposition of salts.

Heel spur

In the absence of treatment of the plantar fascia, a heel spur appears, which is a build-up from the accumulated salts. The disease often affects the elderly, obese individuals, neurodistrophic changes and rheumatism. The general pain subsides a little, however the foot in the heel area in the morning starts to hurt strongly. This is due to the sharp load of the limb after a long rest.


The cause of unpleasant sensations can be gout - a hereditary disease caused by a metabolic failure. However, it is not uncommon for people who abuse coffee, fish, meat and offal. Usually the pain worries at night.


Inflammation of the Achilles tendon also causes the heel to hurt, the leg swells and reddens. The disease is formed due to trauma or disturbance of the metabolic process in the body. Drawing pain bothers constantly, increasing with movement. In case of complications, a tendon rupture occurs.


To hurt the heel on the left or right leg may be due to arthritis - inflammation, which extends to the tissue located between the heel bone and the toes. Most often, pain worries in the morning, walking up the stairs and after a long standing on tiptoe.


Infection (often sexually transmitted, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia) causes the formation of inflammatory processes in the heel area. You can identify the disease by indirect signs. As a rule, the disease manifests itself as a reactive inflammation, which is characterized by the appearance of pain even in a motionless state, unpleasant sensations in the genital area, inflammation of the eyes and joints. With this disease, pain takes on the most intensity at night.

Aching feet hurt and as a result of injury.

Contusion of tendons

Stretching of tendons arising from the impact on him. The first stage is characterized by acute pain, swelling, difficulty in flexion of the foot.


Tramping of tendons also occurs due to a sharp turn in place. It hurts under the heel of the right or left foot often in high heels lovers. Often the impact of sharp objects encountered on the way causes wounds and severe pain.

Bone injury

The cause of the disease may be a bruise of the heel, resulting from a fall from the height of the landing on the heels. In this case, patients complain of acute pain, which is gaining its intensity during movement.


Fracture of the bone is accompanied by the inability to fully stand on the foot. An external sign is the deformation of the heel inward or outward, its puffiness and expansion. Also on the plantar part of the foot there are bruises.

Definition and treatment of ailment should be done only by a doctor. The final conclusion is made only after radiography. Regardless of whether there was a trauma, it is important to consult with such specialists as surgeon, neurologist, oncologist and phthisiatrician.