Funny contests for women

Usually the organizers of entertainment events are looking for a program for paired and universal competitions. But often men for a long time tighten breaks, distracted by a discussion of politics or football, forcing friends to miss the hall. Maybe there are comic competitions only for women, where the support of the stronger sex is not needed? In addition, there are hen parties, where it is impossible to admit spouses and other gentlemen in principle. We give a small selection of fun contests, where the main role is given to the ladies.

Interesting contests for women

  1. Princesses on peas
  2. We need to prepare three chairs. At the first we put 3 round caramels, on the second -2, on the third - 4. However, the quantity of items can be changed, although their number should not exceed a small reasonable figure. Instead of caramels it is allowed to use large buttons . Then we cover the chairs with packages of opaque polyethylene and let the participants in. Moving the booty to the music, women should determine the number of "peas".

  3. Dressing the child in school
  4. Funny contests for the jubilee of a woman are often disguised. For the role of the kid, invite the girlfriends of the contestants, undressed to the swimsuit . Then the participants have to temporarily put the "child" in a comic clothing set, but use only one hand. The winner is the mother, who will have time to dress her "daughter" better.

    That's a good competition for the whole company of women. The host takes in each hand three different colored ribbons, the ends of which are distributed to the three participants. Then, on command, the girls try to braid the braid. The joke is that it is forbidden to release from his hands or hand over to a neighbor. Therefore, the contestants will have to step over a friend or crawl under it to complete the assignment. If you want, create two teams, arranging this competition for a while.

  5. Purely feminine intuition
  6. This cool competition for women can be conducted with the participation of men, then it will be more interesting, although any good girlfriends are suitable as partners. First, the participant must carefully remember the faces of her neighbors, and then she is taken away. Then choose one "martyr", removing the rest behind the screen. The human body is covered with a dense veil, and a gas mask is put on the head. Looking only in the eyes, our lady must guess the name of the hostage.