Fetus at the 10th week of pregnancy

There has come 10 week of pregnancy, and your kid all more becomes similar to the tiny little man. With the end of this week the baby will no longer be considered an embryo, it acquires the status of a fetus. And it is also believed that if you have successfully reached this period and your baby is all right, then the threat of miscarriage is almost no threat to you.

Development of the fetus at 10 weeks is very fast. Although this little man is still very small, but he can clearly distinguish all parts of the body. The baby reached 3-4 cm in length, and weighs about 5-7 gr. The baby still has a completely transparent body, and on his head and body begins to lay down a fluff. His eyes are almost completely formed, but they are still closed for centuries.

The child becomes already quite active, but the mother can not feel his movements. All movements of the baby are chaotic. He actively puts his hands to his face and can even start sucking his finger. In this case, the fingers already have a nail plate. The embryo's mouth is completely formed 9-10 weeks. The joints on the arms and legs are also formed. At this stage, the formation of the auricles is coming to an end. Determining the sex of the child on ultrasound at this time is still quite difficult, but if you have a boy, his ovaries begin to produce testosterone, and an experienced doctor in the ultrasound department can tell you the sex of the child.

Palpitation of the fetus at 10 weeks

The heart is probably the strongest organ in the baby in the womb of the mother. After all, he has to pump a very large amount of blood. A baby's heartbeat reaches 150 beats per minute, which is twice the heartbeat of an adult. The baby's heartbeat can be clearly seen on the ultrasound machine or can be heard using a special device.

The head of the fetus at 10 weeks is disproportionately large, however it has acquired rounded shaped and slightly tilted to the chest. During this period, the filling of milk teeth. The formation of all internal organs continues. The kidneys begin their work. The immune and lymphatic systems continue to form.

At this stage, the greatest development occurs in the brain of the baby. It produces 250 thousand neurons every minute. The first cerebral activity is manifested. There is a separation of the nervous system into the peripheral and central nervous system.

Kid and mother are still a long way, but all the experiences can already be postponed and enjoy the most beautiful period of pregnancy.