Pimples on the pope

They happen different - white, purulent, red - these pryshchiki on the priest. Who would have thought that such little pimples on the pope could so badly spoil the mood, and if they still itch, then the world is not nice. So why do these nasty pimples appear and how to get rid of them?

The causes of pimples on the pope

If this is not a sign of any infectious disease or allergies, then most likely the cause of small pimples on the pope is dryness of the skin. So the usual means for getting rid of acne, aimed at reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands, will not work. Skin on the pope reacts very sharply to a lack of moisture, the pores on the dry skin are quickly clogged. And since the priest always has something in common, the infection that gets on the skin instantly provokes inflammation. Still red pryshchiki on the priest can appear because of wearing dense, not passing air clothes, linen not from natural fabrics, etc. In this case, the skin sweats, and irritations appear. Also, acne can tell a person that something is wrong with the digestive system, perhaps this is the result of hormonal changes or a sedentary lifestyle. So if the usual cauterization of pimples does not help, then maybe you should see a doctor.

How to remove pimples on the pope?

In order to remove pimples on the pope, no expensive means are required. Enough cotton wool and alcohol solution of iodine. Instead of iodine, you can use a salicylic ointment or a bazon. The selected composition grease pimples on the pope, no more than twice a day. Do not get involved, you can burn the skin. We try to do so that the product does not get on the skin around the pimple, otherwise you can make the skin even more dry. As you can see, getting rid of pimples on the pop is not so difficult. But it is much easier to make so that the prerequisites for the appearance of such skin irritations are reduced to a minimum.

How to prevent the appearance of pimples on the pope?

  1. Do not forget to cleanse the skin. Every evening, thoroughly the three buttocks washcloth, you can and with ordinary toilet soap. So you will help the skin not only become free of dirt and microbes, but also become softer and tender.
  2. Skin on the pop should not forget to soften. Why do not we forget to pay so much attention to the skin of the hands, face and feet, and the skin on the buttocks is considered possible to be ignored? Here it is, suffering from inattention, and worries us with various eruptions. Moisturize the skin on the priest regularly, after each bath. Good effect on the skin oil tea tree oil. But you can not shell out for special lotions for the body, and use a baby cream or hand cream.
  3. If the pimples have already appeared, then they should be cauterized immediately. Otherwise, the infection can spread and cause even more irritation, and the pimples will spread all over the pope.
  4. It is clear that as soon as a pimple appears, you immediately want to remove it, for example, squeeze it out. But to press pimples is not recommended, especially just red ones. Sense of this will not, the pimple will only increase in size. If the hands are unbearably "itching" to squeeze out the pimple, then this operation is necessary only with those tubercles in which the accumulated pus is visible. And of course you should not forget about the rules of hygiene. Before the procedure, the hands should be thoroughly washed with soap. Skin around the pimple with alcohol before and after squeezing. To the pimple we approach with all tenderness, we press neatly, not allowing the appearance of blood.
  5. If the skin on the buttocks is coarse, then you must not forget about the peeling. From time to time, we skim through the skin of the buttocks. If the scrub from the store is over, then you can use home remedies. For example, coffee grounds, sea ground salt or ordinary cooked, instant coffee, ground oatmeal, etc. But do not forget after processing the skin with a scrub, it must be moistened.
  6. And although cotton underwear is not so beautiful and seductive, we still try to wear it more often.
  7. Remember that if the skin is constantly taken care of, then the problem of pimples on the pope can be forgotten.