How to check intracranial pressure?

Intracranial pressure is the pressure in the cranial cavity, which is created by brain tissue, intracerebral fluid, and also by blood flow in the cerebral vessels. In adults at rest, the normal value of intracranial pressure is 3-15 mm Hg. Art. Increase or decrease of this indicator indicates various pathologies, among them: brain tumors, encephalomeningitis, stroke, etc. Consider how, where, from which doctor can you check intracranial pressure.

Methods for measuring intracranial pressure

To control intracranial pressure, adult patients should consult an ophthalmologist or neurologist. Learn about the deviation from the norm can be through the following methods:

1. Ophthalmologic examination of the fundus is an indirect method that does not give exact figures, but allows you to determine the existing disorder and send the patient to a more accurate diagnosis. Thus, with increased intracranial pressure, vasodilation and edema of the optic nerve disk are observed. The examination is carried out with the help of an electric ophthalmoscope or manually, using a special magnifying glass and an ophthalmoscopic mirror.

2. Neuroimaging methods (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography ) are methods that allow to diagnose elevated intracranial pressure by such signs:

3. Electroencephalography is a method that estimates the bioelectrical activity of the brain and allows one to diagnose the deviation of the value of intracranial pressure from the norm by such signs:

4. Spinal puncture is the most accurate method, but it is performed according to strict indications and is performed in a hospital setting. In this case, a special needle with a manometer is inserted into the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord (between the 3rd and 4th vertebrae).

How to check intracranial pressure at home?

Unfortunately, at home, you can not measure intracranial pressure. About its change, one can only suspect of such symptoms: