Red spots on the currant leaves in spring

Beginners gardeners often wonder why the spring on the leaves of the currant appeared red spots? Because of what is this happening? How can I fix this problem?

These shrubs are highly prone to various diseases and red spots on the leaves of the plant - this is not a rare phenomenon. Also there are red spots on the leaves of black currant, which means that most likely the culprit of their appearance is the same.

The reason for the red spots on the currant leaves

The culprit for the appearance of deformed leaves is the common aphid. Its rapid spread contributes to the cold winter and hot, humid summer. The insect is located on the underside of the leaf and begins to take all the plant juices. The result is red spots on the currant leaves in the spring. Gradually, the leaf begins to dry out and die and this is not only an aesthetic problem.

Aphid eggs survive the winter, spending it on the branches of the currant. After a long winter in the spring, aphid larvae emerge from the eggs and settle on the leaves of the plant. After they fill the lower part of the leaf of the lithium, they begin to become covered with spots and red, and sometimes crimson swellings. Red thickening on the leaves can be seen immediately, since they protrude outward and are visible from afar.

Aphids are the result of the work of small garden ants, therefore it is necessary to exterminate not one pest, but immediately both - and aphids and ants. Since the leaves of black currant are covered with red spots this can affect the very berry of the currant. It can have a sour taste and a watery texture.

How to deal with smoldering currants?

It is advised not to use chemicals, even if the currants are not yet ripe. It is best to use decoctions from improvised plants: medicinal chamomile, garlic, tobacco. In order for the product to stick well to the leaves, you must add 40-50 grams of tar soap to the solution, or you can

use the usual economic. The prepared mixture should be sprayed with currant bushes.

Another way to deal with decay is to cut the damaged leaves on a red or black currant.

Red currant rescue from red leaves

If in the previous spring on the leaves of your currant you saw red swellings it is best to spray the ground and the bushes themselves with a solution of copper sulfate. Another way to save a bush from aphids is to spray a currant with a one-percent mixture of Bordeaux liquid. The second treatment can be done two to three weeks after harvesting.