Low progesterone in pregnancy

Progesterone is the most important hormone of pregnancy, which is responsible for its normal development, especially in the first trimester. Low progesterone in pregnancy can lead to detachment of the fetal egg at the earliest possible time, which is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

The level of the hormone is determined by a blood test taken from a pregnant woman from a vein. They pass the test on an empty stomach, and the result is prepared for 1-2 days. There are certain norms for the concentration of ghoul in the blood, depending on the period of pregnancy.

Fortunately, the shortage of progesterone during pregnancy can be compensated for by artificial analogs of the hormone created in the laboratory. To do this, usually prescribed drugs such as Utrozhestan or Dufaston during pregnancy . You can take them either orally or vaginally. The latter method is considered more effective.

The disadvantage (low level) of progesterone in pregnancy is the symptoms and consequences

Signs of a shortage of progesterone during pregnancy can be smearing spotting from the genital tract, drawing pain. And with ultrasound examination, a woman detects an abnormality of one degree or another. In this case, the woman is offered to lie down "for preservation" in the department.

The condition is quite serious and can lead to such a result as a miscarriage. However, with the timely adoption of appropriate measures, pregnancy in most cases can be maintained.

Cured detachment in early terms does not affect future pregnancy in any way. Since it is progesterone responsible for attaching the fetal egg to the uterus, when normalizing its level in the body, normal implantation and further development of pregnancy are performed.

Why do you need progesterone?

The functions of progesterone are not limited to ensuring the attachment of the embryo to the uterus. This hormone affects many body systems, for example - it affects the metabolism, helping to extract a maximum of useful substances from food, it is involved in the production of cortisol, in the breakdown of proteins and caffeine.

Progesterone is responsible for the production of insulin and the normal operation of the pancreas. Progesterone participates in the tendons, muscles, ligaments, helps them relax, and also affects the brain, affecting the receptors responsible for sleep. In the female organism, it is thanks to progesterone that the development of the oocyte and its subsequent fertilization and the onset of pregnancy become possible.